chapter 36

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Hunter pov

I quickly went downstairs to the parking lot.

I finally was going to give her the blue bear back. It's been years since I've had it but hopefully this one bear brings everything back to her again.

I reached my car and it was really dark out. For some reason I felt this horrible feeling in my gut that something bad was gonna happen. I looked round checking if any creep was just waiting for me and he could attack but I didn't see anyone.

I brushed off the feeling and grabbed the soft plush bear in the back seat, locked the doors good and made my way back upstairs with a knot in much stomach.

I got upstairs and when I reached by her room the blinds were closed, but before I left they were opened....

Maybe the doctor is with her or something I thought...

I twisted the knob and entered the room. What I saw just killed every ounce of sanity I had.

Celeste pov

I was pined down to the bed and he played in my face a knife. A sharp knife.

"So you thought you were safe? You thought that boy could take you from me thought he'd rescue you? " he let out a cynical laugh

He slid the knife across my skin as he bit his lip in amusement. He pulled it under my neck and slid it a little rougher then he slid it on my face back and forth.

Where are the doctors? Nurses? Where's the boy that was here? Everyone just left me as soon as Ryan comes. I couldn't even come to yell or anything I was just frozen and afraid.

"If I can't have you to myself then no one can " he said moving hairs off my face

"Too bad cause you're beautiful baby " he said slicing my cheek.

He put the knife under my neck again and he pressed. I made a small sound and the door was opened.

Ryan immediately dropped the knife and looked at the boy. He approached him and gave him the coldest glare.

Ryan stood there crippled in the corner. "If you know whats good for you, leave now and dont ever come near her again. This is your last warning. " he spoke coldly

"Or else what ?" Ryan urged

The boy chuckled an evil chuckle then out of nowhere he grabbed Ryan up by his neck then slammed him down on the floor.

Ryan squirmed around on the floor catching his breath, "leave. NOW!" the boy yelled.

Ryan immediately got up and ran outside limping. The boy stood there looking at the floor then the door slammed shut.

I sat there staring at him. The anger and pain stood on his face as still as stone never fading once.

"Did he hurt you ?" He asked not looking at my face.

"N-no not really " I said

He turned and looked at my face. He caught a glimpse of the cut Ryan put on my face and he immediately shut his eyes.

"He didn't hurt you anywhere else?" He asked more calmer

"No. Only that " I said putting my head down

He let out a breath and walked in the bathroom with a blue bear. After a quick 2 minutes he came out with a box of tissues under his arms and a small cup of water.

"This is yours " he said handing me the blue bear .

I reached out for it slowly and then I quickly realized it was a care bear. I smiled and held it tight.

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