chapter 38

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2 weeks later

I was finally off that wheel chair and moved to crutches. I missed school for nearly a month now. I got all my work done though thanks to Hunter.

Everyday he would go to school and get my work for me. When he would come, usually I wouldn't be able to concentrate with him always all over me and teasing me, but I'd send him to buy me something usually something I didn't need or want and when he left I'd Start working when he comes back to me working he'd just kiss my cheek and fall asleep on my bed.

Now it's my first time back at school. I'm really nervous now, I'm not sure if anyone knows that we're together and that we're engaged. If they find out they'll cause me hell.

I get up off my bed and take my crutches going to the rest room.

I stand on my good leg leaning on my crutch. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After I stand on both crutches and slide the water on my hands through my hair and put my hair in a pony.

I walk out the bathroom and to my closet. I pull out a pair of black high waisted shorts and a white flowing blouse.

I go back to my bed and collapse.

These crutches are a work out. I've never been so tired in my life. I'm out of breath and I wasn't running.

"Celeste hurry up, " my mom yelled "Hunter is outside "

I sighed and took off my shirt putting on a bra then the shirt I picked out. After I slip off my sleeping shorts and slide on my high waisted ones.

Knock knock knock

"Can I enter? " Hunter asked at my door

I've already finished dressing, all I needed was my shoes.

"Yeah " I said

He turned the door knob and entered closing the door behind him. He came around kneeling in front of me.

"Where your shoes? " he asked touching my feet

"In there " I said pointing at my closet.

He stood up and walked in there getting me some shoes. He turned around getting me socks from my drawer.

The wrong drawer.

"No not in there! " I yelled putting my hands out

But I was too late, he opened it and shuffled through it seeing all my underwear.

He closed it after shuffling through them and he moved to the correct drawer taking a pair of black socks.

He walked over to me and my face was red.

He looked up at me and smiled then he kneeled down and put on my socks then one shoe since my feet was in a cast.

"Alright you ready? " he asked

I nodded and he helped me on my crutches and we made it downstairs carefully.

We got outside and he helped me in the car. When he got in and put on his seat belt and said

"You have pretty hot underwear " he said smirking.

"Shut up!" I laughed out slapping his arm as my face tuned red

I stood outside by the parking lot a little scared to enter. I twirled the ring on my finger as my hands got sweaty.

"Let's go " he said holding my waist slightly.

I took a deep breath and entered the building with Hunter by my side holding my bag.

I limped around on my crutches and walked down to my locker. I stood there and put in my pin.

"What books you need? " he asked

"Just get the binder for me " I said

He took it and I stood at my locker still playing with the engagement ring.

I know people are looking at us and looking at me on these crutches. I'm so nervous, what if they see the ring what an I supposed to do then?

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked me touching my hand.

I looked up at him With worry, "I should take off the ring " I said

He looked at me then frowned
"why? "

"Everyone might see and they might wonder and question me. What if your posy and sluts start messing with me, I don't want all that trouble, and even you, what if they start coming at you with sh**"

He rested his hand on mine caressing it. "Don't worry baby, no ones gonna bother us. Trust me. I promise okay, just be careful getting to class and I'll take care of everything" he said

He is the most feared here at the school. If they see something they wouldn't dare come to him with any garbage.

"I promise okay" he said kissing me once on

"Mhmm " I mumbled

"OK?" He asked kissing my jawline as he held my hips steady

"Yeah" I said

"Okayy? " he asked kissing my neck plenty tickling me,

I laughed and tried pushing him away,"okay" I said

He stopped and he stood up right holding onto my hips looking down at me smiling.

He looked so happy, his eyes shone so bright. This is the brightest Ive ever seen them. They were glossy and just beautiful. I loved seeing him like this.

"I love you" he said giving me a small kiss

"I love you too" I said

He closed up my locker and waited for me to walk ahead.

I was so worried still, even though Hunter already assured me nothing would be wrong I still feared. There's gonna be one person who comes at me with crap.

The bad boys good girlHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin