10. CCD!!!

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I woke up to the chirping of the birds outside my window. I checked the time and found that it was 5:30 in the morning.

  It was unusual that I woke up early in the morning. I don't know why, but the thoughts of him entered my mind. Was he an early riser? Or was he also like me? There was lots I had to know about him.

Again, the previous days thoughts flooded my mind. His face was etched on my mind, not fading away.

Was he also thinking of me? Did he just agree for the marriage because of his family's pressure? Did he really like me?

Knowing that sleep was a mile away, I gave up the thought of sleeping again, and went to have a bath.

Today was our first official meet alone, or was it a date? No it can't be a date, he had asked me to come to the cafe, not pick me up, so this can't be a date.

I took a long bath, shampooed my hair and left it open for itself to dry. Then I went down to see papa and mama. "Kya hua Ruvee, you are up so early?" Amma teased me.

"Nothing Maa, just couldn't sleep well. So I thought I would take a bath that's all." I told her absentmindedly. She gave a look at papa who had a smile on his face.

"Before our marriage, even I was like this, especially during our dates, hain na Sanjay?" She asked papa who winked at her.

These two were always like this, papa would wink at her and mom would blush, but I guessed that more than her, I blushed more today..

"Haa papa, he asked me to come to CCD today, can I take Rithu with me?" I asked him still a bit shy from the earlier comments.

"Rithu is having class right, let's better not cut her classes, she might need more leaves I guess. Also, it will be better if its just the two of you, talk to him about everything, get to know him more, his likes, interests, dislikes, hobbies, everything. All these are important for a relationship." Maa said as she cooked the breakfast.

I too helped her, and later we all had breakfast after which Rithu left for class and papa to his office.

I went to room as mama had to go to the market. I took the time to call Shikha to tell her about the marriage. She was not a good listener and made me pause frequently throughout the call.

She too was surprised when I told her that HE was going to marry me. All the while through the call I didnt say his name. I mentioned him as He and Him and stuff but not his name.

This went by her notice and she asked me why, something to which I still had no answer.

I also told her about the meet at CCD today. She was as excited as me. But then I asked her the question that I had in my mind since last night.

"Shikha, but why was he ignoring me yesterday? And I'm sure that he was not ready for a marriage, but then why did he agree to this?" I asked desperately.

"Druveee, maybe he was not ready for this, but then you told me what happened in the hospital, you two being alone in the room, that awkward moments, and finally he comes to know that you are the bride.

Maybe he liked you from first and now he was having second thoughts about the marriage. He might be in confusion, when you both were in the garden. Maybe he couldn't speak because of awkwardness and when Rithu came, he got a bit strength to talk to you.

But then before he could speak anything you started about cancelling the marriage and he found it difficult to tell you this. Maybe from your response he came yo know that you too had feelings for him, but by the time you were inside your parents were saying goodbyes.

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