51. A drunken dream!!

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Its been about three weeks since the last day we talked. And today I get discharged.

As the days passed, the pain only seemed to increased. It hurt more than I thought to stay away from her.

For some fateful reason, Shikha and Kiran became close and through him I could always knew what was happening to her.... Even the new alliance.

I don't know what to feel or what to say.. Should I let her go? Should I go after her?

Why was Gunaa after her phone records? Is he really planning something against me using her? How far is she from his murdering hands?

All those questions tormented my night... Two week of sleepless nights.. And now I get discharged. Does she know this?

Has she really moved on?

Does she still love me??

Suddenly there was a knock on the door..

"Come in.." I bellowed. It must be the nurse coming to flirt with me.. Hopefully this will be last day..

But as the door opened, I realised it wasn't the nurse, but a police officer..

"Good afternoon Sir, I'm constable Shekhar. I've completed the task that you had given me." He said.

"Tell me.." I said, my voice filled with eager to know what was coming..

"Sir, his full name is Naveen Kapoor. He is a cardiologists in Medicare hospital, one of the rich and popular hospitals. I checked his records, no red marks, nothing out of order.

He was in Australia to complete Cardiology, and I have his photo with me." The officer said, and extended the picture to me.

Dr. Naveen Kapoor. I have met thus guy, but where..??

"So in which hospital did you say that he working?" I asked trying to remember the person in the photo.

"He is a cardiologist at the Medicare Hospital, near Techno park." He said.

Yes, of course cardiologists in Medicare. The young, handsome doctor who had treated Sanjay uncle. Of course they wouldn't say no to this alliance.

I still remember seeing him walk out of the I.C.U.

"Thank you for your service. You may leave now." I ordered the officer, and took another look at Dr.Naveen's case study and photo.

Immediately my police mind took over me.

"Wait, Mr.."

"Shekhar, Sir". He replied.

"Yes Mr.Shekhar. I want one more help from you. Go through his past and check if he has any alliance or relation with the criminal Gunaa or his deceased brother Shiva. You can check his phone register if you want to. And if you find even the slightest hint, call me." I said, as my mind wondered if he was in any way a new puppet of Gunaa.

As soon as he left, my mind started springing up with all the differences and similarities we both had.

We both have a good family.

We both look good.

We both earn well.

We both are of about the same age.

  We both know how much she is worth for.

Now differences.

He is a doctor, expert in saving lives.
And me, an encounter specialist, expert in taking lives.

From being arranged to love!!! #An Indian Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang