Part One: Unwanted News

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Averia was riding hard and fast through the gardens of her home. Being a royal had its perks. One was that these gardens existed. Averia lived in Arabia, and water to grow plants was scarce. But Averia wasn't just a royal. She was a Royal, with a capital "R". Meaning she was one of select few chosen from across the world and across time to form a band of sisters. Their group would save kingdoms throughout time, their own and others. Averia loved every minute. She had always loved adventure. The palace hadn't really ever excited her. But today, her father and mother had called her to their quarters. That had been the first signal. The next was the tone her mother used when she began to speak: "Averia, you know that we love you. And we want you to be happy....." Averia didn't even need to hear the rest to know what was going on: they'd arranged a marriage for her. Good grief. Surely sixteen wasn't old enough for marriage! Yet they had told her that her husband had been chosen. They hadn't even told her who it was! So she rode. Her stallion, Midnight, was a time traveller also. The first time Averia saw him was in England, in the future. Now he was here, and the fastest horse in the royal stables. Thinking of her stallion's origins made Averia think: she had access to six other Royal girls, so why not ask for their advice? By the time Midnight was tired, Averia had made up her mind to summon her friends. She got off of Midnight and reached to stroke him. But he had other ideas. He took off running. Averia was left for a moment with her hands reaching onto empty space. Then she walked towards the stables. Midnight would be there. And so he was. In fact, something else was, too, in Midnight's mouth: her key. There was no way this was a coincidence. She grabbed her key, and looked around for a door. There it was. In....a ring? Good grief. Everything seemed to be connected to marriage these days. Oh well. She pushed the key in to the bejeweled ring. She had news for her friends. Such unwanted news....

Royals Through Time 5: The ArabiansWhere stories live. Discover now