Part Nine: Wedding Crashers

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The day of the wedding. And so it begins. Averia thought through the plans she had made with the Royals the night before. It was going to be a big day. Not only was it a wedding, it was also the day the rebels had chosen to attack. But they might not now. Who really knew? Not Averia. Then again, Averia wasn't really thinking quite like she normally did that day. She was, as one might guess, preoccupied. The golden mass that were her wedding clothes hung heavily on her, weighing down her spirit as much as her body. In a way, they were like the incarnation of the day itself. The gold, though beautiful, was ultimately not something Averia wanted. Just like the wedding. She wondered what could gave changed her mind. It certainly wasn't Governor Nasim. She had seen him arrive early that morning, and he was as ugly, mean, and obnoxious as always. Yet here she was, going to meet her groom. A soft swish as curtains seperated, revealing the other five Royals, all beautiful in their borrowed Arabian finery. Myah was the first to speak. Or rather, squeal. "Eeeeeeee! Averia! You didn't say the dress was this gorgeous!" Averia managed a laugh. She was glad for her friends. They would make this easier. Then a thought shook her: When I am married to Nasim, I will not be able to get to the Stone Circle. goodbye. Averia looked up with tears in her eyes. "This is it, isn't it?" The tears gathering in her friends' eyes told her that it was. Averia rushed to them, and they spent the next hour on stories of their adventures and on goodbyes.

Then it was time.
The great doors were before the Six now, foreboding in stature and in intricacy. Averia was positioned at the front of the other Five. At her signal, two servants would open the doors, revealing her to her groom and the people standing there. Deep Arabia. Averia nodded her head once, and the servants pulled the doors. Averia kept her eyes lowered as the crowd gasped. Her dress gleamed in the sun, as did her dark hair. She looked like a legend come to life. Averia kept her eyes down all the way to the stone steps where the ceremony would commence. Then she could stand it no longer. She looked up into the face of her groom.

Into the face of Olek.

For a moment, her heart soared. Then it came crashing down. No. No no no no no! The rebels...they're going to try to kill him!! And he doesn't know!! "Olek! You need to know..." Averia didn't get a chance to finish. Her senses had been on alert since she walked in, and she heard a faint "twang" on the wall. In a split second, a large stick was in front of Olek and Averia's faces. Since when did Charity have a staff in her hand? Correction....when did Charity's staff get an arrow stuck in it?!?" For a moment, the crowd froze. And then chaos ensued. Rebels. So. Many. Rebels. No time must be lost. And no time was lost. The Royals and Olek all drew their weapons and began to fight the rebels within a few seconds. And then it was over. Several rebels lay dead or wounded on the floor. The rest were fleeing over walls and trying the get through the door. Olek straightened his tunic. He had fought well. He cleared his throat and projected his voice so it would reach the crowd. "People of Arabia! You have seen your Princess defend herself as nobly as any soldier! She can decide her own actions. And today, I shall ask her to choose once again..." Olek turned and bowed to Averia. "Princess Averia, will you marry me this day?" Averia blushed as the crowd "ooooo"ed. She raised her head and smiled at Olek. "Olek, I love you. You know that. But neither I nor you am ready to be married." Olek's only reply was a nod. Averia turned and rushed to her friends. Embraced by them, she looked over to her right. Ah. There she was. Fahimah was standing there, smiling. Averia had done the right thing. Yet.....there was one more thing she had to do...."Gracina? Could you please go get Amet?"

Royals Through Time 5: The ArabiansWhere stories live. Discover now