Chapter 11

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We drove for miles and miles until we made it back to any civilization. It was horrible. So many dead things laying on the ground, waiting to become one of those things. We had to wash the blood off the car before it attracted more, plus we were low on gas. We pulled into a shell gas station. No business. And it looked vacant. We pulled up to a pump, but the numbers werent showing up. It looked like their power was gone. Or the place was shut down. I got out and looked inside. The glass was broken on the door, so I went inside, careful of the glass lying everywhere. I looked around for any extra food, grabbing ramen noodles, candy bars, every food item I could find. Juices, pop cans, I left the milk because it was expired. I looked in the cash register, and found about $60. I left the place with our duffle bag filled. We still needed gas though,
"Anything?" Josh asked as I put it in the trunk.
"Food, drinks, Im gonna check the big tank in the back. Keep an eye on Amelia." I said.
"Ill follow you" he drove slowly behind me as I walked to the big white tank in the back. What we were about to do was dangerous. But we desperately needed gas. We were almost on Empty. We traded places so he could do the dangerous job.
"Im gonna need something to unscrew this thing" he said trying to open the tank.
"Here." I said getting out and digging in the garbage for a glass bottle.
"Try this" I said getting back in the car. I watched as he hit the faucet shaped opening, he used the bottom of the bottle trying to open it. He hit it once, then twice, and on the third try it opened but he cut his hand when the bottle shattered. "Not again" I though. We didn't know what to use to get the gas out, so we got a small bucket from behind the station. Josh got in trying to quickly wrap his hand with gauze. I was feeling rushed. This happened yet again! We could hear subtle growling in the distance, my hands were soaking with the gas chemicals, and smellt horrible. I filled the car, and jumped in, josh handed me a water bottle, which wasnt enough to wash it off. I ran inside, going to the gas stations bathroom. I got lots of soap on my hands and scrubbed with my nails. It would have been dangerous to touch anything, especially amelia. As I was scrubbing I could tell the smell was almost gone. I heard growling again, and looked into the mirror, and seen something struggling to get out of the bathroom stall. Whatever it was, it was loud and smelled gross. I realized it was one of the things I turned the water off just as it broke through. I screeched, and took off. Ive never been so close to one of them. They were so terrifying. I ran out only to see the ones from the cabin catching up. I tried to open the the front door, but it was jammed. I screamed for joshs name. He ran out of the car, and pulled the door, but it wouldnt budge. More began coming out of the woods from around us. We were both pulling and pushing. I seen one of them getting towards the car where amelia was. And my mother instinct shown. I bashed through the door, knocking josh down, I ran grabbing a piece of glass. I ran up shoving it into is head, spraying blood everywhere, josh finished him by shooting him. My ears were ringing because he was so close. It fell to the ground. Landing at my feet. Suprisingly we were pretty clean. We got in and got out of there. Poor amelias face was so red from screaming and crying. We had to stay in a motel I guess.

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