Chapter 20

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It was late afternoon. Me amd josh were playing with amelia. He hadn't talked much today. Well, after katey rold us what happened at least. I was about to make dinner when josh finally said:
"I want you to go outside. With amelia."
"Why?" I asked casually.
"Make a scene. Try to get everybody outside. At night though. Tonight"
"Im gonna do something about that boy."
"Like what? You cant hurt him..."
"I know that. I want to at least check on him." I actually agreed with the plan. It sounded like it might work.
It was 10:28 and we were getting ready. I let it play out as it went along, but it got their attention. I bashed the door open and took off running outside. I made sure to knock over the old plants and the old register.
"HELP! SOMEBODY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. All I had were blankets in my arms wrapped up, amelia was still inside.
"HELP ME PLEASE!" I screamed again. Running off into the distance. Int the middle lf the parking lot. I fell to my knees. A couple seconds later mike and katey came running out.
"What happened?! What did you do?!" Mike asked as he grabbed onto the blankets. He was patting me, checking me for a scratch, or a bite. I let out another scream. Katey was trying to help now to.
"What did you do danny? What happened? Is amelia ok?" They were trying to feel in blankets now.
"I think she was bitten." Mike said. Kateys eyes lit up like fire. They looked at eachother, and ran off to where our car was. What the heck are they doing? I thought. At least I was able to put a normal face on for a second. I looked back into the hotel and seen Lindsey running up to me.
"Why were you screaming?" She asked. She asked casually, not concerned.
"Nothing is happening. We-" I trusted lindsey for some reason.
"Josh is going to check on your brother" she instantly fell to tears.
"I want him dead" woah. That made me feel sick.
"What? Why?"
"Hes sick! He looks icky, I seen josh inside and he told me what he wanted to do, he's going to kill him danny." I looked at her.
"No, hes--"
"He has a gun. Danny, is it ok for me to want him dead? Hes--" I jumped to my feet. Running faster than I ever have before. I darted into their room. Josh had the sawed-off-shotgun in his hand. Cameron was in the corner of his room. His skin was bruised and was purple. His eyes were bleeding. His fingers looked rotten. He held his hand up. Like he wanted to wave to me.
"Cameron, can you hear me?" I pushed the shotgun out of joshs hand.
"For a minute" he said. His voice was gruff. And he was in pain.
"Cameron-cameron listen"
"I know what happened" he said quietly.
"I want to be dead" he said it louder this time. I felt like crying.
"Well, I dont know what to do" Lindsey was behind me now. Holding on to me crying. Cameron smiled at seeing her.
"I love you lindz" he said. She looked up, and shook her head.
"We cant to anything else cam. We all love you but its for the best."
"I want to see mom and dad." He said. Taking a deep breath.
"They dont want to see you" josh said. Cameron understood. He shook his head.
"I know. They locked me in here. Just tell them, I love them. More than anything in the world." He coughhed heavily.
"I really like you danny. And josh. Lindz, you were a great sister" he coughed again.
"I love you mommy-" josh cut him off. By shooting him. The impact hurt our ears. And lindsey was crying. The three of us went back into our room. Locked the door, and tried to sleep. Lindsey stayed cuddles next to me and amelia. She didn't want to be by her parents either. I dont blame her.

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