Chapter 30

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We parked the van, and looked at the orange sky, it had been getting darker and darker the closer we came. There was a bad feeling that this wasnt a trip away. But the plane sat in the middle of the "Lot"
"You the ones I was talkin to on the phone?" And older man said.
"Yes sir"
"Alright, well---" he looked off into the distance. I turned around and seen a green van. My heart dropped. There was katey. Lindsey hid behind me.
"Go...just get on" I pushed lindsey inside, and picked up amelia to set her in the seat. Josh and amelia were closer to the door, while me and lindsey sat 3 rows behind them. I seen katey run up to the man, beghing that she got on. I read their lips.
"A family of four just got on."
"They had a baby. I can ask if you--" she shook her head. And began crying.
"Let them go." She scanned the windows looking for my face. Our eyes met, and she waved.
"Take care of my baby please. Im sorry" she cried. I shook my head, and the plane took of twoards our destination....
Woo hoo! Last chapter guys. The last one will be the epilouge! And probably a thank you note. I have an awesome idea for a next book. If you rnjoyed this one. You will for sure want to check out my next one. Its kind of in this range of genra. Thanks for sticking with me and reading!
~438 reads so far! Thanks guys!

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