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My days went on normally and I spent a lot of time hanging out with Rachel as just friends, since we'd both realized we were were better off that way. She actually tried introducing me to other girls but I said I wasn't interested in meeting anyone at the moment.

The fact was, I was still confused about how to clear things up with Ann. At the very least I wanted us to be able to see each other as before, without neither of us feeling awkward. But it seemed like seeing me wasn't high on her priorities, or at least that's what I thought, until today.

She'd texted me this morning inviting me over to watch a movie together and 'catch up'. I was surprised to say the least. And nervous. After almost two weeks of no contact, the prospect of seeing her made me very nervous.

I spent all day thinking about what I'll say, what she'll say and what we could talk about without touching any sensitive topic. I managed to calm myself down before going over to her place though, I didn't want her to think I was affected by seeing her for the first time in two weeks. I mean, why would I be?

So, as she opened the door and let me in I acted completely normal as I would have been hadn't anything happened between us. She made popcorn while we debated on what movie to watch and settled with Interstellar.

As we sat down and started the movie all I could pay attention to was her sitting right next to me. We weren't touching or anything but it felt like I was aware of her every breath. And I wondered why we weren't born with eyes on the side of our heads. They could have come in useful, come to think of it.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"Huh?" I asked, startled by her question that woke me up from my daze. I noticed the half eaten bowl of popcorn she was referring to and shrugged.

"I'll get fat if I eat it all by myself." She added.

I chuckled and turned to face her. "Maybe that's my plan."

She threw a popcorn at my face but missed the target completely. "Okay then." She said and continued eating.

I turned my attention back to the TV sighing. "Is it going to end any time soon?" I asked.

"It's just two hours long, shut up."

"Two hours going on four." I pouted. The movie was probably going to be just fine, had I actually watched it.

She left the bowl of popcorn on the small table, scooted closer to me and poked my side. "You could have said you wanted to watch another movie."

"Don't touch me with those greasy hands." I said and grabbed her offending hand by the wrist, keeping it away from me.

She seemed offended. "I just ate some popcorn."


She stared at me for a moment and then stealthily rubbed her free hand on my shirt.

"Hey!" I protested and grabbed that hand too but it was too late. I looked down at my shirt and then at Ann. "See what you've done, my shirt's ruined."

She laughed. "Where? I can't see anything."

I shook my head disapprovingly. "Now you'll have to buy me a new one for my birthday."

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