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We fell into a routine, well more like I did, I couldn't tell if she enjoyed my company as much as I did hers. Everyday I would go over to Ann's house at around 6pm, if she wasn't home at that time she would tell me the day before and we would agree on another time or just postpone it to the next day.

It was almost like going on a date everyday with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Although my crush has subsided almost entirely by now I still find her perfect in every way. The positive is that I'm not as starstruck as before and we can now have decent conversations, the age gap isn't really a problem and I think we could become good friends if she got over her obsession with my age. 'You're only 17, what would you know?', 'I'm way older than you and I've got way more experience', 'Aw, little kids these days sure have a big mouth'.

By the way, I had to remind myself to tell her my real age, which wasn't that far off 17 but still... She would get mad, I was sure of it. I looked over at the alarm clock as I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling and listening to a God-awful song on my ipod. Still 4.30pm. I felt a bit silly, waiting for 6pm to come all day. If I could I would fast forward time from the moment I woke up to 6pm when I could finally go over to see her. It's not like I did much all day anyway. Lying a bit on the couch, then lying a bit on the bed and maybe a bit on the floor. If I was feeling really adventurous, pick a book to read but these days I didn't have the attention span necessary to read even my mother's cooking books.

As 6pm came, I jumped up to change my clothes and adjust my hair as quickly as I could before storming out the door.


"Cam." She greeted me at the door but her eyes were fixed on her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Just a moment." She said and started texting whoever she was texting while we made our way to the living room.

"Who are you texting?"

"No one." Finally lifting her head up she smiled broadly. "So, what are we watching today?"

I narrowed my eyes at her and didn't reply.

"We could watch Her or... The Lego Movie. It might be more up your alley, wouldn't it?"

I almost smiled at her stupid joke but contained myself, I still wanted to know why she was being so secretive.

"Oh, come on! Aren't you going to talk to me?" She gave me her best puppy eyes but I still wasn't fazed.

"That depends."

"Depends on what?"

"Who were you texting?" I asked and could see her going red in the span of a millisecond.

"I told you, no one."

"Right. Was it a boyfriend? A girlfriend?" I saw her getting surprised by my implication. "Oh wait, was it your mom?"

"Yep. You caught me, I was totally texting my mom. Now can we watch the movie?"

I sighed and flopped down comfortably on my spot on the couch. There was no point in insisting if she didn't want to tell me, after all it was none of my business. "The Lego Movie please and thank you, it's actually pretty good."

I could feel her looking at me for a moment as she selected the movie and played it.

After a few minutes she interrupted the silence. "I have a date." I could almost sense her holding her breath while waiting for my reaction. I couldn't say I was happy but I couldn't even be disappointed, it's not like I had any chance with her so I could as well support her in her love life.

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