chapter 18

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I can't do this anymore the regret the guilt that's eating me up I just can't.

Three hours ago Alex confessed to killing Henry.

I can't do anything about it though cause I can't prove it. How am I gonna prove what Alex did. Even if the cops did arrest him they wouldn't be able to keep him long without enough proof.

He's a bloody killer.

Then when he is released. He will only be more angrier.

But what's even more upsetting is the fact that my best friend who I loved so much was actually a monster.

The guy who wouldn't hurt me. Now is hurting me the most.

I wish I had him back. God I feel so lonely my parents aren't even home.

It's late and my parents are out at some kind of party that are only for adults I mean everyone's parents are there. Normally on occasions like these Alex would come over and we would watch movies.

Suddenly something dawned on. Everyone's parents are out and Alex probably knows about this and he probably knows I'm home alone.

As fast as lightning I went downstairs locking my front door and my back door. To say I'm scared would be an under statement and if that wasn't enough my house light went off.

I let out a small scream I didn't know what to do because the house lights could be turned off from the outside and from the inside.

Can it be him?

No Mel. Positive thoughts only.

Fuck that.

Before I could leave out the front door I heard something.

My cell phone started ringing from upstairs. I quickly went after it not thinking.

All I thought was I need my phone before I leave the house.

maybe it was my parents that are calling me with that in mind. I ran to my room.

When I picked up my phone the other side was quiet.
"Hello". I say not checking who called.

Such a typical stupid bitch move.

It was quiet for a second. Then out I heard crying and it wasn't just anyone it was Alex crying.

"Why, Melanie why did you, hurt me like this huh?"

then he started getting more obnoxious "ANSWER ME BABE WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME YOU HOE, TELL ME YOU BITCH!"

"Alex, why are you so psycho?" I said genuinely annoyed at this point.

Then he started laughing

"Since I killed Henry. But tonight you'll get something more than you asked for".

Then the the phone got hung.

I couldn't move or breath.

It's like so much had happened but now this craziness.

I was so deep into my thoughts about this whole situation I didn't hear my room door locking. But I did feel his hand slithering around my waist.

When his hands touched me I was frozen unsure of what to do I could scream but no one could hear it. Then I felt his kisses on my neck.

"Look at you conveniently all alone. All mine."

His hands started traveling to my lower part he started groping it and I'm just frozen.

"This, over here". He said groping my sex.

"Is mine to ravage". He said quietly.

He started putting his hand in my underwear and that's when my senses came back.

I pushed him away from me looking for any kind of weapon. While he just looked at me with predatory eyes. He looked so crazy.

Then with such venomous words he started speaking.

"What happened Mel you scared of me, huh,".

He started walking forward and I started walking backwards."

"Baby you scared of me I just want you to be nice that's all."

I tripped and fell on my bed.

How typical. Fuck.

He threw himself on me.

I started hitting him and screaming for help it was useless.

When he saw me not resisting anymore he took that as a sign of submission and started kissing me I wanted to scream do something but I couldn't I was frozen then he started removing my pants then my underwear.

"Stop, you crazy jerk".I said in a controlled but loud voice. I knew he wouldn't listen. No one would listen to me so why would he.

Then he started speaking.

"I'm not going to take your virginity today. Mel. I'm going to save that for another time because I want you to enjoy it."

What kind of sicko is he.

"I just want a taste".

Then he tightly held my thighs apart but I couldn't let him win that easy so I started fighting him then I started screaming.

But he was stronger he held my hands with his hands and my thighs apart with his body.

He took my pants apart. Then my underwear.

Soon I saw his head go down.

Oh my god. A killer is about to give me head.

I felt kisses on my thigh. Then I felt him closer to my female area. He just dived right in and practically tongue raped me for what felt like forever.

I've stopped crying and fighting long ago cause he wouldn't stop.
He gave me pleasure and I hate that cause my body just responded to it like it was OK. But I was literally broken.

When he was done he got up and looked like he was done enjoying me. He didn't even speak to me, When he was leaving. He just winked and left. That night I cried myself to sleep.

That night I felt so angry.

Angry at myself. At everyone.

Mostly him.

Now he's definitely gonna get the bad side of me.



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