chapter 14

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When someone tells you they love you, normally you reject them if you don't reciprocate the feeling.

It would be bitter but they would understand and move on with their life. With Alex I feel like me refusing his love isn't really much of a option.

"How could I be so stupid." I say to myself while pulling my hair down in frustration.

Why was I not quick enough and notice how crazy Alex really is.

I should've known he was crazy. Now my parents are going to think I'm lying.

After the little confession Alex made, he just left my room. As if it was the most normal thing to say. What am I going to do?

Should I reject him?

No I can't believe I even thought that, he would never let me reject him.

After a while my mom comes upstairs, asking me to come down.

I hope he left.

But alas, I could never get what I wanted in my life. Because as soon as I come down those stairs there's Alex's family and my father waiting for me.

I feel like this is a intermission for me.

My dad just looks at me then points to a chair. As to say sit down.

So I sit on the chair. Just waiting.

"So." My dad starts.

"I believe you and Alex just had a misunderstanding".

"There no misunderstanding". I say stubbornly.

"Mel." My mom says with a warning in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Mel." Alex begins.

"Don't get mad at me and ruin our friendship. I love you, you're like the sister I never had". He says sniffling and his eyes full of I shed tears.

Such nonsense. God this dude would definitely win a Emmy for his acting.

Not wanting to embarrass my mom and dad and myself I just went along with it.

"I'm sorry too." I say not meaning it at all and poking everywhere but him.

"There we go". My dad says clapping his hand in enthusiasm.

"The dynamic duo is back". And everyone just starts smiling and they all start laughing like nothing ever happened.

Yep. The duo is back.

I. Hate. Alex. So. Much.

While I'm sulking, I can feel Alex just staring at me from a distance. He's just looking at me.

Not being able to take it anymore I look back at him. I wish I hadn't though.

The way he's looking at me is so deadly. His eyes look so murderous and his smile is just a moment away from being a snarl.

He knows I did not mean any of that. He knows I hate him. He knows I am rejecting him. Just to rub it in his face I reject him in front of everyone.

"Hey everyone , I would like to say something". I say getting up.

Everyone just stops and like at me.

"Your all right. I wish I hadn't jumped to conclusion. Because now I realize Alex will always be my friend".

I say looking at Alex straight in the eyes. He looks very mad. He knows I can't reject him privately. I mean he's not used to it especially to a girl he loves. But now he's getting rejection not privately but publicly. I know this is humiliating for him. Even though no one knows the double meaning behind my words. He does.

"Your like a brother". I say then sit down.

Alex I could see him holding the glass of water in his hand. He's holding it so very tightly until it shatters.

"Oh my god!" My mom and his mom yells in shock.

"Sorry" Alex says.

"I didn't realize how tight I was holding it."

My parents tend to him. While he is just looking t me in the eye. Telling me that I'm going

to pay for it all.

Bring it I'm no coward.


Hey y'all I just started editing and making this book better so it might be confusing for a while. But bear with me.

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