chapter five

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  He couldn't be serious right? Me being his obsession. I am his..... possession.

I am not an object. I am a human being. If he thinks that what he said was a normal every day thing then he is very wrong.

Why am I taking his bullshit?

That's the question that's been on my mind.

He's my best friend not my boyfriend and I can't think of Alex as anything else than my brother.

Sure he just tried to kiss me. But how had I not seen any of this before. Maybe he just couldn't control his emotions? Maybe he had a bad day?


I mean he tried to kiss me but that's whatever. Sometimes people lose control with themselves. That's a common thing between friends.

Do friends even kiss is that even normal? 


I don't know why I'm asking myself pretty obvious question.

But the way he acted today was unreal. The way he had acted today really made me think more about it. Was he always weird? How come I didn't notice it before?

   Right now we're both sitting on the couch in the living room because Alex insisted I be near him the rest of the night to keep an eye on me.

He also apologized for the way he acted. I could end a friendship over something like that. So I forgave him. Warning him if he did it again our friendship is as good as dead.

He just smiled and said "sure". It's like in everything he has power.

So now here we are because he wanted to keep an eye on me.

'Keep an eye on me' yeah right.

He probably just thinks I'll ditch him for someone else.

But I felt like there was another reason. What also angers me is what he said, its like it didn't make a difference to him, he simply doesn't care what I think, he's always in control.

"Alex," I said.

"Yes Melanie,"he responded.

"You see me only as your friend right, because that's only what I see you as."

His arms that he had around me stiffened he was quiet maybe too quiet.

"Of course Melanie," he responded.

"I just get a little bit too worried about you after all you're all I have."

I knew what Alex said sounds very sincere but I'm not that naïve and I know when he's lying and not and right now he's lying big time.

But I'm going to let today slide because even though we fight I still love him and I know at the moment if I say anything he will just ask more questions.

He's my best friend but his obsession to protect me needs to stop.

Around midnight Alex leaves and goes home because his parents need him at home for something.

I really am going to need Alex to stop with this whole possessive crap.

Well, forget that I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted from all this melodrama.
It was around three in the morning when my phone started vibrating underneath my pillow.

"Hello?" I said sleepy

"Melanie! Hello, Melanie," someone from the other line kept whispering.


I responded

"Who is this?"

"He's going to kill me Melanie , he's going to kill me now!"

I was fully awake.

"Who is this calling?" I said.

"Its me Henry please Melanie help me he's crazy!"

But before he could continue the line hung up.

"Hello, hello?" I said repeatedly but there was no one I looked at the caller id.

It was private.

What the hell just happened?

Who was that on the phone?

Was that really Henry?

These questions swarmed my head.

This is a prank. That's the only explanation.

With that assurance I went back to sleep. Or at least
I tried to go back to sleep.

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