June 25th, 2001

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**Authors note for easier comprehention of story: The bolded is Natasha's journal entries. The italics are Clint's**

June 25th, 2001

4:15 AM.

        This has been one of the hardest assignments I've been on. Three weeks in and this guy won't stop. Its a mouse and cat game, and I've lost track of who is who now. I'm sure my target has too. Today is the day he and I go to Budapest. I also know that there has been men from my own agency out to kill me. I don't know how well this'll all pan out, but hopefully it will.

7:39 AM

      I had a planned meeting with the target. We both are doing something drastic and it may cost out jobs. Be don't care, but were doing it. Going to Budapest. Together. 

August 5th, 2001

5:20 AM

     I have no idea what the hell they have in the Russian blood, but damn are they hot. I swear, Natasha gets better every time. We're in Budapest now and we have been enjoying ourselves. Set up our own safe house, little bit of shower action, on the beach, in bed at night and morning, and  more. She's like an animal too, which is such a turn on. I guess this journal is getting pretty useless now, but I'm going to keep up with it just in case something big happens. But I have to stop writing now, someone is banging on the door.I can even hear it without my hearing aids.  Most likely the people next door. Oh well.

9:57 PM

      That was NOT the people next door. Natasha is in bed, a huge gash in her side that I had to stitch up. I've been watching her closely and our surroundings. We're planning on moving tomorrow morning, bright an early if she is feeling okay. The wound is pretty bad, but nothing the emergency first aid kit I always have couldn't fix. All I know is it's going to be a long night for her, but that's okay. I'm here for her. He is my защитник.

Natasha had taken Clint's pen from his hand and wrote the Russian word into his journal. 

"Been writing about me a lot hm?" She smirked and snatched the journal, proceeding to read.

"June First, 2001. 5:58 pm. I saw the target for the first time today. She has an unforgettable face. Red lush lips, a cute little nose, green eyes like mint, beautiful and flawless skin, and that long blonde hair. I could have killed her today, easily too. But I didn't. Told Fury that there was an obstruction." Her voice grew confused as she read on. "I swear she is the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She looked straight at me, but I don't think she noticed me. I had a scope on her from three rooftops away and it would've been hard for her to see me. I couldn't take my eyes off of her though." Clint reached for his journal, but Natasha pulled it out of his reach of that if he tried, he would pull her stitches out. 

"Come on Nat, give it back." He asked.

"Nu uh." She protested and carried on "The way her hair fell over that black dress was perfect. Not a strand out of place. The dress was extravagant but casual at the same time. Lace back but a solid black front and skirt that fell just above her knees. She wore a pair of ballet slippers with it. And I mean legit ballet slippers." She stopped when she saw him reaching for her journal. She reached for it, but didn't grab it before he could.

"June third, 2001." Clint began to read. "I saw the most handsome man today. Short blonde hair, blue eyes, pretty well built too. He had a bow slung across his chest, so I knew who it was. Clint Barton, Agent of SHIELD, case number 207645382. Archer, first class, and I wouldn't mind having him on my side of any battle. Would you now?" Clint chuckled as he continued reading to himself. Natasha's eyes darted to what page he was on and she quickly snatched the book from him, sitting on it. 

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