Shock and Awe

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I felt her hand drop to her side and I sighed pulling her closer.

"It's why I chose to challenge him for the Alpha title. He was hitting my mother and I stepped in before he could swipe at her. He caught my eye and my back as I turned to shield her away." I shuddered remembering the look in my mom's bruised eyes. I could never understand how someone could harm their mate so horrifically. The pain was nearly unbearable at the age 17. I thought I wouldn't survive a wound inflicted by an Alpha.

I could feel her eyes burning a hole into my head, but I kept my eyes shut. The emotions coursing through me were haunting and I didn't want her to worry about me. He was dead and could never hurt me anymore.

"Y-You challenged your dad?" She whispered sounding so sad. Sad for me.

I nodded. "Yes. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but it had to be done. He was selfish and abusive. His attitude was hurting the pack and my family. I had to do what was right for the pack." My voice nearly cracked at the end. I told myself it was for the pack. I told my pack it was for them. I told everyone who ever asked why that it was for the pack. But I knew the truth.

I hated him. I wanted to kill him. Having a justification was just means.

But I wanted him dead. His death was in my prayers for years. I have never known hate like that after he was dead. I knew I would never feel hatred so deep ad fierce ever again.

I felt Jasabelle rubbed her face on my chest and I sighed contently. She felt my discomfort and wanted to take it away. She may not have known what mates were like but her instincts told her that this is what she needed to do to make me feel better.

I grasped her head softly and kissed the top of her hair. She smelled of dust and old cleaning supplies on the surface. I growled softly angry at that fucking Alpha Harvey. How dare her treat her poorly? Making her clean up after a pack of 200 people? Make her cook every meal? All alone.

I opened my eyes and found Jasabelle looking up at me as if expecting an order. "Would you like a shower?"

Her eyes lit up. "I can shower again?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Again? You showered this morning?"

She cocked her head to the side. "No. I showered yesterday morning. But I'm only allowed to shower every three days. Alpha Harvey says runts don't need to shower much because they don't do anything but clean."

My heart broke and my anger rose. She truly looked so excited to shower two days in a row. I took her in and again I noticed how malnourished she ways and she definitely had a vitamin D deficiency. She needed to get out into the sun and I definitely needed to train her to build up some muscles on her body. She was beautiful but she wasn't healthy and I needed her to be healthy.

I stood placing her on the floor standing. "Let's get you into a shower okay? Then we'll go to the kitchen and grab something to eat. You're much too skinny baby."

She nodded and rushed over the bathroom. I smiled as I watched her open the door to the closet, the door joining this room and my office and the door to the balcony before she opened the door to the ensuite bathroom.

Jasabelle gasped at the sight of it. The bathroom was a true work of art. Spanish style tiles, a standing shower, a clawfoot tub, a marble double skin and a small linens closet.

"I-I'm allowed to use this bathroom?" she whispered suddenly uncertain and turned to look at me.

I nodded and went to grab her one of my t-shirts and a pair of old boxers of mine. I would have to have a few things shipped here in her size. "Everything is this house is yours Jasabelle," I handed her the clothes, "Including me." I teased making her blush furiously.

"O-Okay. Thank you Al-Nyx." She smiled at me turning to go into the bathroom. She suddenly paused and turned to me. I was going to question her but she rushed to me and planted a small kiss on my cheek before running into the bathroom and locking the bathroom door behind her.

I grinned and touched my cheek. God she was the cutest thing.


I waited for Jasabelle as she showered. I could hear her singing; she had such a beautiful voice. I was slowly staring to close my eyes as the exauhstion from the day starting to weigh down on me. I sighed as my back hit my bed. I was almost asleep when I hear the door to the bathroom open. I quickly sat up and found my mate standing there in my clothing.

"I-I'm sorry for waking you up. Please forgive me Alpha." She basically threw herself to her knees and bared her neck: a sign of submission.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I thought we had begun to move passed this, but I knew deep down it would take more than holding her to get through this.

I walked over to her and pulled her up gently to her feet. I grasped her chin in my hand and lifted her head up to look me in the eyes.

"Jasabelle, you are my Luna. You are not my maid, you are not my servant. I will never punish you...well in any way that will cause you harm." I chuckled but my wolf howled in sexual frustration, waiting for the misbehavior of our mate so he could make good on the promise.

She cocked her head to the side. "I don't get it. You won't punish me...but you will?"

I forget how innocent she is. "Baby I will never harm you intentionally just because you do something like look me in my eyes or wake me up. The punishments I will give you are of the sexual variety and those I hope you enjoy." I explained with a smirk on my face and she shivered.

"I-I-I need food. Can we get food? Cause I'm kind sorta hungry." She rambled obviously nervous because of the subject. I chuckled and kissed her forehead and taking her hand. I led her through the house and down to the kitchen. I lifted her with ease and pulled out some steaks and rice I had left over from yesterday.

I threw them in the microwave to heat up and I looked over and saw that she was fidgeting uncomfortably on the bar stool behind the island.

"Are you okay there baby girl?" I asked.

Jasabelle looked up at me and scrunched up her nose. "I-I should cook you something. You shouldn't have to make anything. Let me-"

"No. I'm going to be taking care of you. From now until forever, so get used to it." I shrugged cutting her off.

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Fuck was my voice too harsh? Was she scared of me again? Goddamnit Nyx! Nice way to fuck it up ag-

My thoughts were interrupted as a pair of arms hugged my waist. I was shocked to say the least as I looked to see Jasabelle's face buried into my chest. I put my arms around her slowly, not wanting to possibly mess this up. The contact caused the sparks between us to surge through my body and I sighed in content. I stroked her hair softly and felt her inhale my scent.

"Thank one has ever wanted to take care of me like you." She whispered looking up into my eyes.

I grabbed her face delicately between both hands and smiled as she leaned into my touch. "And no one ever will."



Soooooooo here's chapter three! I'm really enjoying this story honestly! Its so damn adorable sometimes ! But anyways, I hope you guys enjoy !

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& Baby ducks <3

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