Even Mary

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Horror. Immediate horror was the only emotion I felt as the words that my beautiful mate just told me.

"Me?" I asked, my voice just above a whisper. How?

She sighed putting her shirt down, hiding the ugly bruises that littered her sides, and sat on my lap. My arm immediately snaked around her and held her small frame against my bigger one. The contact settled my frayed nerves that were directed at the situation at hand.

"It started the night we came back after Athena's sentencing," Jasabelle began, "After we fell asleep I could feel you reach for me during the night like usual, but your grip was tighter than usual. I ignored it and tried to fall asleep. When I woke up again you were muttering things in your sleep and sweating profusely, so I figured it was a nightmare which is to be expected."

I took a sharp intake of breath at the mention of the nightmares. She took a deep breath before continuing, "But the hold you had on me was tight enough to crack one of my ribs. You had this death grip on me like you were afraid of me disappearing. I-I....I didn't know how to tell you without you thinking it was your fault. It's not your fault baby, but... you need to talk to someone." Jasabelle's voice cracked at the end. "I'm worried about you Nyx, and so is the rest of the pack. The children haven't seen you in over a week and they miss you and the rest of this pack's leaders are wondering where their Alpha has gone. You lock yourself up in that damn office and don't let anyone in to help you with this situation. It breaks my heart to see you like this."

I bury my face into Jasabelle's neck and let all the emotions I've kept at bay for the last week come to the surface and for the first time in a very long time I allowed myself to cry.

Sobbed racked my body as I held onto my mate gently, letting her touch soothe me.

"I-I just can't deal with this fucking shit anymore Jasabelle." I cried. "I fucking hate that my family is so fucked up and that I have to sit here and pretend like I'm okay. I'm not okay. My fucking sister's soul was ripped from her body, my mother left me, and my brother is god knows where sucking who the hell knows dry of their blood and I can't do a damn thing about it. Do you know what it's like to be the most powerful Alpha on this side of the whole Earth and yet still be powerless within the confinements of your life?

"My entire life I have felt powerless in the making of my own self." I took a deep breath to calm myself down before continuing. "When I became Alpha I thought that maybe I could finally take some control of my life back, maybe give myself enough closure to heal, but just because I control territories, people, a vote in a grand council and have immense influence all over the world doesn't mean I am any less broken than I was before and I hate feeling weak against my own fucking mind."

I put my head in my hands when I had finished. I was ashamed that I, as an Alpha, allowed myself to become so weak on the inside.

Jasabelle wrapped her arms around my neck as she moved me to straddle my lap. I put my face in her neck seeking her comfort.

"Even the biggest leaders and the most powerful men, all needed someone to help them. Even God needed Mary my love. You are not weak," she pulled away to look me in my eyes, her amber one's keeping my attention, "You are an alpha. You have been through too much to be weak. You are here, alive, well and keeping your pack together. All you needed someone was to help share your burden. I am here to help you with your baggage. If you remember, I did not come here with much Nyx." Jasabelle kissed my forehead lovingly.

"You are the most remarkable woman I have ever met Jasabelle." I whispered. I slowly stood still holding her to me, her legs wrapping around my waist. "I need you."

Jasabelle's amber eyes widened in surprise and suddenly they were a crystal blue. A wicked grin and a lustful look came over her face.

"Take me then Alpha."


755 WORDS. 

Hello there bunnies! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I dont have much to say this time but I will mention that I am currently writing a new story. Nothing is definite yet, but I might just have to put up here on Wattpad for my bunnies to enjoy! Let me know if you guys would be into it !

As always,



& Baby Ducks<3

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