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I smiled as I watched Jasabelle play with the pack children. She was smiling and talking to them so carefree. They all loved her and she loved all of them back. Seeing her with the children just made me think of her having our children. I couldn't wait to have children with her.

"You know, all this smiling is really going to start scaring the pack." I heard Ken comment beside me in a teasing matter.

I rolled my eyes. "It won't scare them...they just aren't used to it."

Ken snorted and rolled his eyes at me. "That's an understatement. I don't remember the last time I saw you smiling before Jasabelle came into your life."

I gave him a hard look. "That's because I had no reason to smile."

Ken pouted at me. "Not even me? Your bestest friend ever?"

I rolled my eyes at this child I called my beta. "No, not even you child."

"Hey! I am a grown ass man! I am 24 years old damnit."

"Then act like it." I snapped.

I heard a sharp intake of breath and turned back to find Jasabelle holding one of the little girls close to her chest, cradling her. She looked like she was consoling her. I walked over to them, the other children took steps away from her as I approached. I could tell they were very off put by me and for the first time I didn't like the feeling.

I crouched down beside my mate and the little girl. "What happened?" I asked softly.

Jasabelle looked up at me. Her long brown hair was pulled up today, giving me a view of those honey colored eyes framed with thick black lashes and full pink lips. Her face was slightly more round due to her new eating schedule.

"Your voice scared her." Jasabelle replied timidly.

I sighed and looked down at the curly mass of blonde hair that was cradled into Jasabelle's chest. Of course it had.

"Can I talk to her?" I asked. Jasabelle just shrugged.

"If Jeanie wants to."

"Jeanie, can you look at me please?" I asked the little blonde mass of curls.

She picked up her head to look at me. She was the cutest little thing with big green eyes and a small chubby face. She was tanned like most of the pack and had a small beauty mark on the side of her left eye. I recognized her as one of patrolmen's daughters.

"Ah, you are Jake's daughter huh?" I asked her with a smile. Her face was tear stained and she was sniffling but she hesitantly nodded yes.

"He talks about you a lot." I continued sitting down. I noticed the children had slowly began to come slightly closer and sit around Jasabelle and I. "He says you want to be like him. You want to be a patrol."

"Y-yes. I wanna be strong like daddy." She whispered in her tiny little voice.

"You know, sometimes you have to raise your voice a little to be strong like him right?"

Jeanie nodded slightly. "Y-yes."

"I'm sorry that I scared you, but I promise I'm not mean all the time. Only when I have to be tough, like when we are out on patrol. I can see that you're tough. Ask your dad to help you be like him. He'll tell you I'm not all that bad." I smiled at her.

Jeanie gave me a small smile back. "Thank you Alpha Romero."

I shook my head. Alpha Romero reminds me too much of my father. "Call me Alpha Nyx."

She nodded and smiled before running off with the other children who had went off to whisper about what happened.

I felt Jasabelle come sit next to and lay her head on my shoulder the best she could.

"You were nice to her. The children didn't know what to do." She giggled.

I rolled my eyes and pulled her onto my lap. I kissed the side of her head and breathed in her scent. She had taken to using my shampoo and I didn't mind. The more she smelled like me the better. She still wasn't marked and no matter how much I wanted to, she wasn't ready to bare my mark. Jasabelle was doing better, but I'm still afraid of hurting her during the marking and reverting her to her skittish ways.

I heard Jasabelle sigh and I looked down to find her fumbling with the buttons on my shirt contently. I smiled at her. She was just so cute. Like a little kitten.

"Jasabelle," I started. I heard a little 'hmm?' come from her. "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?"

She looked up at me with slight confusion. "Date? You mean like dinner? Just you and me?'

For some reason I got extremely nervous. I mean she could easily say no to me and reject the offer. "Y-yes. I was thinking about going out to a nice restaurant in town. I was thinking Italian but if you want we can get Chinese. Hell we don't even have to go if you don't want to! We could just stay home and do no-" I cut off my own rambling when I heard Jasabelle giggling.

I narrowed my eyes slightly. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"You're just talking a lot. I didn't even get to answer Nyx." I loved the way my name rolled off her tongue.

I smiled sheepishly at her. "Right."

"Chinese is fine. I've never had it." She spoke softly.

I felt a grin take over my face. "Really?"

"Of course." Jasabelle gave me a big smile of her own.

I heard a gasp and turned to find many of my pack members staring at me in awe. Before Jasabelle, I couldn't remember the last time I had laughed or smiled. They were still in shock at all the emotions I was showing. I think they actually were starting to respect me more for it.

Jasabelle waved. "Hey there."

They all immediately bowed after being acknowledged by their luna and quickly went back to whatever they were doing.

I rolled my eyes. "Jesus, I never noticed how nosy my pack was."

Jasabelle laughed. It was such a beautiful sound. Sure she giggled a lot but her laugh was different. It was loud and so unlike her timid ways. I loved it.

"What time are we going Nyx?" she asked sitting up straighter on my lap.

"Be ready by 7 tonight. Wear those heels I bought you." 



Hey there guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. The semester just started back up and I'm trying to make sure I keep up with everything. Especially since I work 5 days a week. I'll make sure to start updating everything again ! 

As always,



& Baby Ducks<3

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