Chapter 7

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take me back to the basics and the simple life. 

tell me all of the things that make you feel at ease.


I don't know how long I have been running for, but I wasn't tired or out of breath. My stamina has improved so much that after what felt like an hour of running, I finally felt the burning in my lungs and the need to stop and take a deep breath. I should keep running as far as I could because I knew that I shouldn't give up my rights as a human to some random man. I am human and so I don't go by the werewolf community. It sounds like complete bullshit and I know that I'm not ready for any of this, I probably never will be. Who would be ready to be kidnapped and forced to marry a man they just met? No one. This is life changing and over the many years I have been alive, I have had too many life altering situations happen to me.

After finally catching my breath from the short break I took to catch my breath, I took off again. I ran through the burning that came with every breath I took and through the ache that was spreading down my legs because I knew Chance couldn't be far behind me. I tried not to think about him on all fours and me on two and so I kept running. I needed to clear my mind and focus on one thing: my freedom.


When the sun had begun to set and the moon was high in the night sky, I began to panic. I had no idea where I was and I was honestly scared. The trees were higher in these parts of the woods and the stream of water I was used to had gotten a whole lot wider and deeper. I wasn't that good at swimming and with how fast the water was moving, I was sure that I wouldn't make it across alive or without injuring myself. But if I wanted to live my own life, I knew I had to jump into the lake and swim to the other side.

I jumped in, feeling the current pull me down and I struggled to keep my head up. Water was filling my lungs and I began to panic even more with regret already filling my mind. With all the strength I had left in my body, I grabbed onto a fallen tree branch and pulled myself up and out of the water. When I made it to dry land I rolled onto the grass and coughed up some water I had swallowed. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down but when I heard a tree branch crack, I jumped up. A bad feeling settled into the pit of my stomach.

I turned around and saw a man behind me. He was holding a tranquilizer gun and looked like somebody I did not want to mess with. "State your name, pack, rank, and why you are trespassing on Alpha Brandon Hayes' territory."

I blinked and stepped back, tripping over a rock and almost falling. Maybe if I played stupid he would let me go. "Pack? Rank? I'm lost and don't know where I am. My name is Bailey Scotts. I went walking through the woods earlier and got lost and fell into the river. I live back in Black Wolf's County with my family. They are probably worried sick about me. Could you please help me?" I hope I sounded as convincing as I wanted to be.

The man had a small smile on his face. He lowered the tranquilizer and took a step toward me while I took another step back, still not ready to trust him yet. "By the smell of it, you are human but there is something else there, like the scent of another wolf. It smells familiar. You must know about my kind? Who are you running from? We can possibly help you here at Golden Wolves Pack and get you somewhere safe. However, if you're playing dumb and lying to me, then my Alpha won't be happy and he might just kill you mercifully."

I took a deep breath, wanting to play my cards right so I don't end up in Chance's hands again or dead, "I know a little about your kind but I'm running to escape from one of you. He's trying to hurt me and kidnap me. I don't want to say any names in case he comes looking for me. He wants to control me and strip me of my rights as a person and I just met him last week! He's trying to make me his slave. You really need to help me, please."

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