Chapter 9

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did you know you're an angel who forgot how to fly?

 did you know it breaks my heart every time to see you cry? 


I almost threw up. Sitting beside me was Chance. He was here. He was actually right next to me on this plane. I can't believe this is real. I stuck my hand out and touched his shoulder, ignoring the feelings it stirred within me. I needed to touch him to make sure I wasn't dreaming. How did he know? I really thought I was one step ahead of him. So many questions were running through my mind. "How did you even find me? How did you know?"

Chance smirked, buckling his seatbelt and leaning back in his chair next to me. "Did you really think you could escape me? Sweetheart, you're horrible at this. You charged the ticket to my credit card, used my own computer, never logged out and didn't even clear the search history. So, I bought a ticket and decided to come along with you. I wanted you to think you had the upper hand here but it was really me this entire time. I told you that you could try and run away but I would always find you. Next time, use your own credit card, log out of the computer, and maybe spray the room? All I smelled when walking into my office was peaches. If you didn't know, that's your signature smell and it makes my wolf go absolutely insane." He came closer to me and whispered the last sentence in my ear, sending goosebumps down the back of my spine. I was allowed to hate him but I was also allowed to admit he was hot and he knew that.

I frowned, hating how stupid I actually am. "I hate you."

Chance smiled, a lazy boyish smile. "No, you actually don't, peaches. You wish you did. Also, we're spending a few days in London so your shifting will most likely happen in London too. After you shift, we'll head back home. If you're going to waste so much money on my credit card then we might as well make it a little vacation for us."

"Where are you staying?" I asked, already planning my escape route for once we get off the plane.

"We will be staying with the London Wolves in the heart of London. I'm very close with their Alpha and so he willingly is letting us stay with him for the weekend. I haven't seen him in a long time and I thought it would be good for us to catch up and for him to meet my mate. On another note, who were you planning on staying with? You'll need to cancel your plans with them, peaches."

I glanced out the window and wondered if I could just jump out into the clouds. "First of all, stop calling me that and secondly, I was going to stay with my ex-boyfriend's sister."

I could feel Chance staring at me. I turned to look at him and he didn't look happy. "With your what?"

I smiled a little bit, knowing I was getting under his skin. "My ex-boyfriend's sister."

Chance growled, a low territorial growl that made me shiver. His fingers began to tighten on the plush seats. "You're kidding me, right?"

I shook my head, loving the reaction I was getting from him. Might as well rub this in his face, even if said ex-boyfriend ruined my life. "No, I'm serious."

"Who is this guy? What's his name? Did you two ever have sex? Oh, my goddess, Bailey, my wolf is going crazy right now. You need to calm me down before I shift!" He gritted out, the veins in his neck very prominent right now.

My eyes went wide. Torturing Chance had been fun but now I felt sort ofbad. "You can't shift on a plane! Are you crazy? I thought you said you didn't care about me?"

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