Chapter 26

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i will never forget you till the day i die


I stared at Simon, my eyes wide and my thoughts were running a mile a minute. "What are you talking about?"

Simon ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't want to say anything until I was one hundred percent sure and then I got this aura from you that was so weird. It was something I had never seen before. I did some spells and I figured out that you're going to be the next Moon Goddess. I wasn't going to tell you because I didn't want you to freak out but then I thought that you should know so that you can be prepared."

I felt like I was going to throw up. "What do I do now?"

"You choose. You choose to become the next Moon Goddess or you back down and decline the offer."

I now felt like I was going to throw up. "Why me? Why am I the chosen one?"

"The Moon Goddess has a strategy on picking who is next. She just knows who is going to be next. She studied all of the she-wolves and their history. She watches them grow up to be who they are today."

"But I didn't grow up like a normal wolf. I grew up like a human. If I never came here, I probably never would've turned."

Simon shook his head. "That's where you are wrong, Bailey. If you never came here, you still would've turned. She would have made you turn either by something tragic happening to you like a car accident or you meeting someone else that is a werewolf. Anything that can trigger the dominant wolf gene in you."

This was all too much. I was getting a headache. "Do I tell Chance? What would I even say? We haven' t talked."

"You do what you think is best. If you don't want to tell him until the night of the Super Moon, then don't. IF you want to tell him now, then go right ahead. The choice is yours, Bailey."

I felt like I couldn't breathe. "If I choose to become the Moon Goddess, what happens?"

Simon stopped pacing around the room and looked at me. "It's different for everyone. You might never be able to come back. Your memory might be erased as well as everyone you have ever come in contact with. You will never have had a mat. It will be like a fresh start. Your family will think you died as well as Chance but they wouldn't be able to remember your name. if the Moon Goddess before you is feeling generous, which rarely happens, she might let you keep your old life. You would be able to see Chance and your family again and again. The only thing with that is that you never die, Bailey. Chance and everyone else here that is mortal, will die. You would have to be okay with never growing old but watching all of them grow old and die. You will never be able to give Chance children so there would be no heir to the pack. There are so many pros as well as cons to becoming the next Moon Goddess."

"So, I become immortal?"

Simon chuckled lightly. "That's all you got from that? But yes, you become immortal like me."

"Did you know any of the Moon Goddess'?"

Simon sighed. "Well, I've only been around for 233 years. I knew the last Moon Goddess but the Moon Goddess can never die. It's not possible unless the world ends because the moon is her power source, it's what keeps her alive. When the original Moon Goddess passed her powers down, she reincarnated herself into that young woman. Do you follow me?"

"No, you're confusing me."

"Bailey, you are the Moon Goddess. She is inside of you. You are the Moon Goddess herself from all of those years ago. That's why you were chosen because the original powers live within you."

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