Part 2

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The next Saturday came quickly and that morning Y/N found herself beyond excited for her 'Girl's Night' with Wanda. It had been all she thought about all week and the night before she could hardly sleep. Wanda was in the same situation, she had no idea what to expect so she was a bit nervous but still excited; she hadn't had a sleepover or anything like that since she was 9 and she assumed that things were much different once you were an adult.

As 6 o'clock came around Wanda got into her pajamas and made her way to Y/N's room. She knocked on the door and as if she had just been standing by it waiting Y/N flung the door open quickly and started to ramble on about the night they were going to have.

"I am so excited! I can't wait we are going to have so much fun! I ordered pizza and it should be here soon. I have stuff set up to do facials and our nails, I have Netflix up on the TV, you can pick out whatever you like but I would like to make the suggestion of Orange is the New Black, and I went out today and bought all sorts of gossip magazines and we are going to just have the best time ever!"

Wanda couldn't help but laugh at her friend. She was so excited about spending time with her, she couldn't remember the last time someone who wasn't her brother being excited to spend time with her. As she walked into Y/N's room she looked around in awe. This was her first time in the room and she couldn't help but notice how pretty it was. The room was large enough to be it's own apartment, the walls were painted in a pastel yellow, in the center of the room was one ofthe biggest beds Wanda had ever seen, to the left of the room near the large window was a comfortable looking sofa and chair set, on the coffee table were what Wanda assumed to be the facials and nail products Y/N had mentioned earlier, to the right of the room was a small piano and a desk set up, the TV was set in a way that could be seen from the bed or from the sofa, the walls were filled with photographs and posters and paintings and around the top of the walls she had fairy lights strung around giving the room a warm and inviting glow.

"Come on in and make yourself at home I figured we could do the facials and our nails while we wait for the pizza so you can take your pick of the chair or a spot on the couch."

Wanda walked to the couch and sat down on one end while Y/N made her way over and sat down on the other. Y/N began to describe the items on the table in front of them, each facial mask was for something different, dry skin, oily skin, combination, acne, anything you could think of there was a product for it and it amazed Wanda how many different skin types there were. Each of them picked up a product and began to apply it, though Wanda was a bit confused at first she soon got the hang of it and before long they both had their faces covered in goop laughing at how ridiculous the other looked.

"You should see your face!" Y/N exclaimed to her friend.

"You do not look much better! We could audition for a monster film."

The pair continued to laugh until there was a knock at the door, Y/N raced over to open it expecting her father to be on the other side but much to her surprise it had been Pietro carrying a pizza. Y/N had spoken with him several times throughout the week keeping an eye on his progress and getting to know him as she had his twin. He was a sweet man who was willing to do anything to protect the people he cared about. He didn't seem to speak much in crowds but when you got him alone he had so much to say and many stories to tell. He had come into Y/N's lab a few times just to chat with her about things he didn't feel comfortable saying to anyone else. He had asked about girls the morning after the party and when she questioned him about why he didn't just ask his sister he said he didn't want her to think he was trying to find someone to replace her. For all the terrible things she had heard about him before the battle Pietro seemed to be a kind and compassionate person for all she could tell and she had begun to look forward to his visits to her lab.

"The delivery person was at the door. Your father said I should bring this up for the two of you; put my powers to use. If you do not mind me asking...what is all over your face?"

"Wanda and I are doing facials if you must know. Would you like to come in? I can do one for you too, or I could paint your nails, I just bought this beautiful blue that would look just lovely on you."

"I am fine thank you for the offer though. Just between you and I is my sister having fun?"

"I knew that's why you really came, she is having a blast from what I can tell but feel free to come in and see for yourself and while you're at it you can set that pizza down on the table."

Pietro walked in to see his sister flipping through a magazine he had never seen before.

"Hello Sister. Y/N tells me you are having fun together."

"Yes Brother we are having a wonderful time we are going to be painting our nails after we eat if you would like to join us."

"Maybe another time when I am more prepared."

"I will hold you to that Mr. Maximoff but if you are not going to stay and have your nails done then I must ask you to leave. We are going to start talking about boys and periods and I don't think you want to hear about that." Y/N said with a smile.

"You are right so I will be going ladies have a good night and if you need anything I am here." Pietro hugged his sister quickly and flashed Y/N a smile as he waved goodbye. Y/N could feel the blush rising to her cheeks and she knew that Wanda noticed as well. When the door finally shut Wanda spoke up.

"You have a crush on my brother." Wanda stated matter-of-factually.

"That's not fair you used your powers and I don't have a crush on him I just get flustered when boys smile at me."

"I do not need my powers to know you have a crush on my brother and since when do you get flustered around boys you danced with Steve Rogers if you were going to get flustered around boys it would have been then."

"Fine I do have a crush but that's all it is. It will go away soon and besides nothing could come of it because it's a one sided physical attraction."

"Yes sure it is."Wanda said sarcastically and picked up a piece of pizza turning to the TV. "So Orange is the New Black?"


The rest of the night was spent between the girls talking about everything under the sun finally falling asleep as it was rising the next morning, fully aware that they would be paying for their messed up sleep schedules later in the week.

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