Part 11

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First I would like to just apologized for this taking so long. I had horrible writers block and then my grandpa went in the hospital. He has surgery today so wish us luck or pray for us if that's your thing or just keeping us in your thoughts would be cool too. Anyway here is part 11...I'm sorry.
It was New Years Eve and the tower was abuzz with life. The Avengers couldn't remember a time where the tower had been so peaceful. There hadn't been any missions in weeks, everyone was calm and it just felt like a wonderful time, the lot of them being together. The days following Christmas Eve were the most wonderful. Pietro and Y/N seemed to be kissing and attached at the hip whenever possible. Y/N had started work on her lab, cleaning up the mess left behind during the day and at night she and Pietro would spend hours putting books back together, talking, and ultimately falling asleep next to each other. It amazed everyone how smoothly they transitioned into being together but it was clear to anyone with eyes that they were in love with each other. The break in was almost completely forgotten or at least it was overshadowed by the young lover's relationship.

New Years Eve had always been just another excuse for a party but this year it truly felt like a celebration. The team was thankful for the way their life was right now and a party felt like an obvious way to celebrate that with the people they loved and a few (hundred) extras. Thor was back from Asgard and had Jane and Darcy in toe, after hours of persuasion from Nat Clint was bringing Laura and his kids, Pepper had just landed and was on her way to the tower, for the first time in a long time, everyone was going to be together at once.
Just an hour before the party Y/N found herself in her room, looking at herself in the mirror. It reminded her of the party after Sokovia, talking with Wanda, dancing with Steve, watching Pietro, it all seemed like so long ago now though it had only been 7 months. Tonight was important to her, she felt for the first time in months that a weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she could finally enjoy herself again. She was no longer worried about Pietro, her lab was under reconstruction and the last of her book were sitting glued together on the coffee table. Things felt right again and she knew it was all because of Pietro. She loved him and she couldn't be happier if she tried.
So there she stood, straightening out her dress in the mirror and moving the hair out of her face just thinking when someone knocked, then began to speak through the door.

"Oh my love, my Light, are you coming to your father's party or will I have to throw you over my shoulder and take you there by force." Y/N walked to the door opening it find Pietro leaning against the wall across from her. She walked out and shut the door behind her, she took Pietro's hand and began to walk toward the party.

"Goodness gracious Pietro, just because you have super speed and it takes you 3 seconds to get ready does not mean it's the same for everyone. It takes time to look this good."

"Well you look beautiful Light, though I may be biased because I think you always look beautiful."

"Thank you Piet. But hurry up we need to get to the party, I can hear that they started without us!" Y/N pulled Pietro along to the party. He could have easily been there by now but he slowed down. He loved to take his time with Y/N, he loved having those few extra seconds for just the two of them.

Upon making it to the party she let go of his hand and made her way over to Wanda and Vision for a chat. Pietro was still a bit uncomfortable about the way Vision looked at Wanda so he made his way over to the bar to get a drink. There he saw Tony and Pepper talking with Thor and Jane but once he stepped up to the bar all four of them went silent and looked at him. Tony quickly spoke up to him though.

"This probably goes without saying but, if you hurt my daughter we will fight and I will win."

"I understand Mister Stark."

"I know you do kid. I also know that you would never intentionally hurt her because you value the life she gave back to you. Correct?" Pietro's eyes widened and he quickly swallowed.

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Now that that's settled, go spend time with her. Fury just told us we have some business to attend to in the morning so, spend all the time with her you can tonight."

"Will do sir." Pietro walked back to were Y/N was talking with Wanda and handed her a drink.

"Your father scares me."

"He should. Did he tell you about his 'boyfriend annihilator' suit? That thing is intense. He started it when I turned 16 and has been working on it since." Pietro's eye widened again and Y/N laughed. "Relax, I'm joking. Mostly." Pietro laughed and turned to have a conversation with his sister and Y/N.

As the night ticked down people started to disperse a few at a time, soon leaving just the avengers and a few close friends. With only a few short moments until midnight the team gathered around on the balcony to watch the ball drop. It was still cold in New York but no one really minded. Pietro had his arms wrapped around Y/N as he held her close. Soon the count down started.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1. Happy New Year!" Pietro took Y/N's face in his hands hand kissed her with all the strength he could muster. He was so happy that he could hardly stand it. When they pulled away he couldn't help but smile. He loved this women in front of him and he couldn't be happier about it.

Y/N looked up at the man in front of her and spoke. "I love you Pietro."

Pietro was taken by surprise and suddenly he couldn't breath. It felt like the world was closing in on him and he had no way out. His heart was pounding and he thought for sure it was going to leap from his throat and he would die on the spot. He was panicked. Yes he loved her but this was too much. Too much for him to handle and he didn't know what to do. So he did the only thing he was good at. He ran.
Letting go of Y/N he walked up to the railing of the balcony, holding it for support. "No you don't you are still just trying to make it by after what happened. I understand, but you do not love me. You just feel like you need something to hold onto, S.W.A.T. worked on me, it only make sense for you to cling to the only thing you have left of it." He took a deep breath and spoke again. "Besides, even if you did love me, I don't love you."

"Maybe you're right Pietro. Maybe I don't love you, maybe I only want you because of S.W.A.T. but I need you to listen to me, and listen well. I don't want you to speak to me anymore. I'm done with this. I'm done with you not knowing how you feel and over analyzing everything and I'm done with kissing you because it only ever ends in heartache for me. I wanted to be friends but we can't even be that because I am drawn to you like a magnet and I need that about as much as I need a hole in my head so, this is it Pietro. This is the end of whatever we were." Pietro just stood there, barely breathing as she turned away and walked back into the tower. He had just lost someone he loved so dearly and there was no one to blame but himself.

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