Part 12

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So before You read this I just wanted to thank you for being a part of this journey with me. This has been 10 months in the making from the time the idea sparked in my head until this very moment. It has been quite the experience and I can't wait to do it again because I enjoyed every torturous second of it. There will be an Epilogue after this but for all intensive purposes this is the end of this book (not necessarily the end of Light and Pietro's story) and I hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I have. I'm not sure when the Epilogue will be up or even when it will be finished but it will be sometime before June. I am also working on a few other stories, so keep a look out for those. Anyway I'll shut up now. Part 12!


Six months. That's how long it had been since Y/N and Pietro last spoke. She had been trying to avoid him like the plague, though she found it to be a lot easier said than done. At first whenever she walked into a room where he was she would just turn around and walk back out. She was still hurting from what Pietro had said but six months later and she could at least tolerate to be in the same room as him. Which was a wonderful thing since it was the day of Tony and Pepper's wedding and Y/N was not going to let anything ruin this day for her dad and Pepper, even if it meant being around Pietro.

The night before had been fun, lots of relaxing, a few drinks, a lot of jokes but that morning was more than hectic. From the time Y/N opened her door all she could see were people running from place to place, like chickens with their heads cut off. It was quite the sight. Not to mention she could hear her father directing people where to go and to say he sounded tense would be an understatement.

Y/N could count on one hand the number of times she had seen her father nervous. He wasn't a man that got nervous or at least didn't let on that he was but today, you could hear it in his voice. She knew there wasn't much she could do so she made her way upstairs to find Pepper.

She wasn't hard to find, as she was still laying peacefully under the covers of the bed. Y/N walked over and lightly shook Pepper in an attempt to wake her.

"I'm already up. Please no more shaking or I'll be sick."



"About marrying Dad? Or about Marrying Tony Stark?"

"Tony Stark."

"Yeah, being a Stark can be kind of daunting. Anyway I can help?"

"Go back in time and tell me to say no."

"Do you not want to marry him? I can go down right now and tell him, he will be fine with it."

"It's not that. It's just a little nerve racking is all."

"Well, I'll be there if you need me for anything. Now come on, time to get up. You need to get ready for your wedding." Pepper slowly moved out of bed and toward the bathroom to start her day.
Before long Y/N and Pepper were ready with less than an hour until the ceremony.

"You look even more amazing now than you did the first time you had that dress on."

"Thank you. And you look stunning. Thank you for doing this for me."

"I would do anything for you Pepper. I mean where would I be without you? Really where would Dad be without you? He would be lost and he would have forgotten me at daycare or something."

"You never went to daycare for that exact reason."

"See. We would have been lost without you and I'm glad you're finally getting married."

"You know, I was worried about it this morning but now, I'm glad too. You're next."

"Not likely."

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