Let Yourself Fall

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Let Yourself Fall 

The author is JessyHarlow

When I met him, I already had given up.

The thing is, when even the one person who's supposed to love you and be there for you no matter what, chooses somebody else before you - how are you supposed to trust anyone else?

In the end, when people find something better or they got what they want, they'll leave you.

So I'd thought - until him.

Loving him was as easy as breathing and taking the risk to trust him something I never had to regret.

I showed him my scars and wounds, shared my darkest secrets and he stayed. He didn't give up on me.

He didn't treat me like I'm something that needs to be fixed.

Being with him made me realize something, I don't have to pretend to be someone I am not to make him stay. I could be myself. I could let myself fall.

Damien didn't change me - he brought me back to life.

* Sample Only. 

Wattpad's Best Romance Books (Book Two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora