The Campfire and S'mores

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The sun was setting right now and we were all exhausted. Even the guys seemed tired, which suprised me. But then again we were running around and shooting water at each other. We all had taken showers by now and we were seated around the fire pit.

The fire pit reminded me of those that you find in movies. With the boy scouts sitting around on those really long logs well we were all sitting on those really long logs that were dug into the ground, too. Me and Suzie were sitting next to each other, the guys were across from us, and Lilly and dad shared a log to our right. We were all seated in a circle and me and Suzie were sharing a blanket.

"We're lucky the firewood didn't get wet," My dad said grabbing some of the wood and setting it in the pit. We all chuckled.

Yeah I guess it was lucky it didn't get wet, I thought. Considering that everything else was soaking wet.

"I feel sorry for the people that own this house," Cole said, "There gonna get one heck of a water bill."

Lilly and dad smiled. My dad grabbed some matches and lit the fire. He passed down some long metal rods and we each got onr. They were REALLY long. My dad pulled out the hot dogs and we all put the meat part at the end of the stick.

I placed my hot dog at the top of the fire allowing only to edges of the fire to touch my hot dog.

There seemed to be an awkward silence between me and the guys. I can guarantee yiu we were all thinking the same thing. Right now all I could think was, did I seriously just have fun with the Parris triplets? Did I really squirt them with ice cold water and throw water balloons at them? Did I really just chicken fight with them? God what is the world coming to!? Am I like about to be kidnapped by aliens or something? Or maybe Russia finally made zombies and I'm gonna end up like in Apocalypse of the Zombies?

Now the guys were probably thinking something somewhat the same. Probably something like: did I just have fun? Fun with Tori!? Tori Linean?! The shadow that lurks behind the lockers!? The bitch that flipped me and my brother over!? The same girl that went ballistic over a stuffed dog!? Did I really just have fun with my stepsister?

"I haven't been around a campfire for a really long time," Shawn said breaking the silence.

My dad chuckled, "We used to do these every other weekend. Tori would invite her friends and Suzie would invite hers and we'd all sit around and tell stories and laugh."

I smiled remembering those days. My dad was right, before he started dating Lilly we'd do campfires every other weekend and I'd invite Cali and Mark and we would tell stories and eat marshmallows.

"We haven't done this in a long time," Blake said pulling back his hot dog.

"You burned it," Suzie told him.

"Yeah but I like it this way." Blake started to eat his hot dog. A couple minutes later I pulled my hot dog out of the fire, Suzie followed and we both ate ours.

Once everyone had at least eaten three hot dogs my dad brought out the marshmallows. It was getting darker and in a couple minutes it would be pitch black.

"Thanks Bill," Cole said grabbing the bag of marshmallows and setting a marshmallow on his metal rod.

"Yeah thanks," Blake replied grabbing his own marshmallow.

"Thanks for everything," Shawn said stuffing his mouth with one and then grabbing another and putting it at the end of the rod.

My dad smiled and sat back down with Lilly.

"So how did you guys like the house?" Lilly asked.

"I loved it, it was fun." Suzie said.

"Yeah it was cool after I killed all the spiders in my room," I said.

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