The Project

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Really quick. OMG! You guys are awesome!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!! The votes went WAYYYYYY UP!!!!! And I am proud of how many I got, THANKS SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU ALL. And as a reward next chapter will be long. Ok I hope you like this chapter. Enjoy.


Tori's POV

"You sure you'll be ok?" Mark asked. We were in the parking lot of the school and I was just walking with him and Cali. I would walk to my bike after they got in their car. School had just ended.

"I'll be perfectly fine, god calm down." I said crossing my arms.

"Tori we're serious if you need help, or they try to pull something funny, give us a call." Cali said.

"You guys are acting like I'm usless," I pouted, "Did you two forget my dad is a police officer?"

"No," they both grumbled.

"Good. Don't worry I can handle myself," I said.

"Ok, but really give us a call if something happens," Mark said getting in his pickup.

I nodded, "Ok. Bye you two."

"Bye Tori," Mark called as he backed away from the parking lot. Cali rode in shotgun with him and she waved at me. That girl needs to get her own car.

I waved at them and walked to the bike rack. After a small amount of walking, a jeep pulled up beside me and the window rolled down.

"Hey Tori," The person said.

I automatically tensed, I knew that voice. I looked to my left where the car and driver were.

"Oh hey Trent," I said awkwardly. What was wrong with me? I never act this way. It was just the way Trent would flip his dirty blond hair from his eyes. His adorable brown eyes that- whoa Tori shut up.

"Want a ride?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine. I'll just bike," I said as I reached the bike rack. I pulled out the keys and unlocked the chain that was around my bike.

"You sure?" He asked once again.

"Honestly I'm fine," I replied.

He opened the door, "Come on Tori your going to make me feel bad."

"What about my bike?" Whoa was I seriously considering this. No, no, no. Why did I say that? Maybe because this voice seems hard to disobey.

I watched as Trent got out of the jeep and grabbed my bike putting it in the back, "Now will you go?"

"Doesn't look like I have a choice," I muttered, "I could just meet you at Shawn's. That was the plan."

Trent gave me a mischievous grin, "I'm not much of plans."

"But we still have like an hour," I said again.

"Then we'll go eat something," Trent opened the car door for me.

I gave a frustrated sigh, "Ok." I got into the car.

"It's a date," he said and closed the door behind me.

That caught me off guard, "Wait. What?"

Trent walked around his car and got in the driver's seat.

"Trent I didn't say th-" I started but he cut me off.

"I know," he looked at me and smiled, "I insisted."

I turned around and looked out the window. This way he wouldn't see how red my cheeks were. He took the car off park, and started driving.

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