Shawn's Date II

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This message is going to be short and sweet.....Enjoy...... :)
Shawn's POV
Nervous? My voice asked.
You're me what do you think? I snapped back.
Ok ok I'm sorry. Damn don't get all mad with me I was just asking.
I sighed, Sorry didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Do I sound hurt? He asked back with no hint of being offended whatsoever.
Please just shut up and let me drive.
He didn't say anything else, which I was thankful for. But now it was quiet, so I turned up the stereo in my car. I flipped it to the Elvis channel. The one Cole, Suzie, and I had found while we were waiting for Blake that day. It was playing, Burning love.So I tapped on the steering wheel as I drove towards Em's house.
Before I knew it I was pulling into the driveway and walking towards the red door. I held the small rose between my fingers and slipped my car keys into my pocket. I mentally counted the steps as I bounced up.
One...two...three...four. I said to myself.
Congratulations you can count! My voice said with a bucket full of sarcasm.
I decided to ignore him. Or was it me? Would I be ignoring myself in this relationship? Well either way I ignored it. At least I found a term to use for this voice. I pressed the doorbell and a quick, ding-dong, echoed through the house.
"Coming!" I heard someone shout from inside. I smiled at the voice and quickly looked down to make sure I was alright. I really did owe it to Cole, or I might have walked in like I had just come back from Bermuda.
The door opened and I looked at Em. She had a pair of dark skinny jeans. Her top was a dirty white color with a black sweater where the edges reached her legs. Around her neck she had a red scarf, and I could see a small necklace behind it. The very front of her hair was pulled back to the sides with bobby pins and they intersected in the back. What somewhat bothered me was her makeup. I mean she always had her blush, mascara, lip gloss, and eye shadow. But for once I wanted to see her without it.
Just as I had been looking at her she had been staring at me. I smiled bringing the rose to my nose. For a rose it actually smelled pretty good. Em smiled at me when she saw the rose. I took a step beside her at the top of the stairs. I was just glad I was taller. "May I?" I motioned the rose towards her hair.
"I don't think it'll stay..." She said quietly even thougn I was already sliding the cut stem into her hair. She was right, it wouldn't stay. So I grabbed the bobby pin, pulling it between her hair and the stem.
"It'll stay now." I smiled down at her.
She rolled her eyes in a playful manner, "You're smarter than you look."
"I'll take that as a compliment." I chuckled and leaned in to kiss her. She tried to make the impact quicker by getting on her toes and just as we were about to touch...
"Ahem..." We heard someone cough. Em closed her eyes in annoyance but I just smiled and looked up. There stood Em's aunt. Her hair still a combination of red and brown. Her eyes still seemed to be like Emily's which was one reason I had thought this was Em's mother.
Is she leaving? My voice said.
Once it had mentioned that I realized what it meant. Em's aunt had a thick coat of red lip stick and her purse was hung on her shoulder. And instead of being bare footed like Em, she had some heels on.
She hurried over, "It's nice to see you again Shawn." She shook my hand and I was going to open my mouth and say something but before I could she beat me to it. "Please just call me Melissa."
I nodded, "It's wonderful seeing you too Melissa. I hope I'm not rude for asking....but are you going somewhere?"
That's when I heard the small sound of a dog collar. I looked over Melissa only to see a small puppy run down the hall as fast as its little legs could take it. It started jumping against Melissa's leg its tongue popping in and out like a snake. Then it ran over to me, my guess because I was something it had never seen. Its body was long and I noticed it was a dachshund. I petted its small head and it seemed to jump higher for more.
Em grabbed the dog and it faced her trying to lick her cheek.
Looks like you have competition. My voice said.
I couldn't help the chuckle escaping my lips and everyone looked at me. Even the dog.
"What's so funny?" Em asked while her puppy started to squirm and wag its tail.
"Oh nothing I was just thinking something." I answered quickly.
Melissa raised an eyebrow but quickly put her thought aside. "This is Rocket. Our newest family member."
I looked back at Rocket. He was still young enough for floppy ears. His coat was the black with a bit of a golden muzzle and paws. His eyebrows were the same gold as well as his collar bone on his chest.
"He's cute." I added quickly.
Melissa laughed softly petting Rocket's head as he tried to desperately lick her hand. "Em I got a call," Melissa said sadly as she let out a sigh, "I'm sorry but I have to go. One of my coworkers got sick and they need me to fill in. I won't be back till late."
When I looked at Em she looked heart broken. I had a feeling that Rocket could feel the enthusiasm just drain from her, because he stopped wagging his tail and just hung in Em's hands. "But Auntie you promised." Em said sadly.
"I know honey I'm really sorry." Melissa answered. Her phone gave a short beep, signaling a text. She pulled her cell phone out of her purse and started walking down the hall. Em pushed Rocket in my arms following her Aunt down the hall. I looked down at Rocket and his big brown puppy eyes looked back at me.
Hey Shawn psst. My vocie said.
I ignored it and walked down thd hall towards Em and her aunt. I didn't really know this house. All I knew is that right now I was in the living room the kitchen to the left. Rocket whined in my hand.
Pssst Shawn! It shouted.
I ignored it again paying attention to Em and Melissa as they argued.
"Auntie you promised. You said you'd stay and have dinner with us. To get to know my boyfriend better." Em moved around the living room at her aunts heels.
Melissa looked at me completely ignoring Em, "Help her make dinner please, I didn't have time. Oh and Rocket will need a walk when your done with dinner. I won't be back till late and I'm sorry Shawn I really did want to properly meet you."
"It's fine ma'am. Sometimes my mom needs to leave late too." I petted Rocket's head and he started wagging his tail.
Melissa smiled, "It was a pleasure Shawn." She went over towards Em and kissed her head, "I really am sorry honey. I'll make it up." Melissa then whispered something to Em that made her cheeks flush and she shook her head unable to glance at me. I smirked and looked down at Rocket who had his ears perked up as if he was trying to listen.
Pssssssst! Shawn! Psssssst! This time it was just annoying.
What!? I yelled to my voice.
Hey consider's a wiener dog. And and they look like hot dogs. Do you think he tastes like a hot dog?
No you idiot it's a dog. It'll taste like mud, dirt, maybe some shampoo. I'm not going to taste Em's dog!
I would taste it......
I looked down at Rocket and he looked up at me with his puppy eyes. Em walked Melissa to the garage and left me in here with her dog.
Would he taste like a hot dog? I thought to myself.
Maybe if you heat him up? Then he'll be a hot dog. My voice answered for me.
I knew microwave was out of question. He'd blow up. Literally....I remember I had a friend who's cousin had a hamster. Thought the hamster was hot so he put it in the freezer for two minutes. Then he thought the hamster was cold from the freezer, so put poor Fuzzball in the microwave. Then....boom.
Poor hamster.
I heard the garage door open and I frantically started rubbing Rocket's back. He didn't mind he was wagging his tell and squirming to lick my face. I rubbed Rocket's back for a couple seconds and then felt like I had caused enough friction.
Now lick him. My voice said.
I'm not sure about this...
Don't you want to know if they taste like hot dogs?
I brought my tongue out and started to inch it closer to Rocket.
That's when I had the worst luck and Em decided to walk in. "Well looks like your gonna help me with din-" She stopped in mid sentence to looked at me. It was probably something to catch on camera. Shawn Parris with his tongue out about to lick a dog. "Shawn what are you doing?" Em asked with a hint of worry.
I tried giving a reassuring smile. But it didn't really help since I still had my tongue out and it was just a couple inches from Rocket. I set the puppy on the ground and he just did his own thing. Walking here and there. Getting water and walking back. "I was-er-just wondering if-umm-you know they're-eh-they're called hot dog dog's because they have a long body. So-um-I was just wondering if..." I coughed to clear my throat. The next time I spoke it was quiet so maybe Em wouldn't hear me, "I was just wondering if Rocket tasted like a hot dog."
Em stared at me for what seemed eternity. Finally she just broke into laughter, "I'm not sure whether to believe you!" She said between her bursts of laughter. Then she started to giggle when she saw my cheeks were red and heated.
"It's not my fault I wanted to know." I muttered under my breath.
Em shook her head, "Shawn Parris you really are a strange child."
I smirked moving my way towards Em, "But you seem to like me right?"
She smiled, twirling on her heels and walking towards the kitchen. I started to think I wasn't going to get an answer. Then I absolutely knew I wasn't getting an answer when she pulled out a pot and filled it with water. She turned the knob on the stove and a fire formed over the pot of water. "Does pasta sound good for dinner?" She asked.
I nodded walking behind her and slipping my arms around her waist, "What can I do to help?"
"First you could get your arms off of me..." She looked over her shoulder where I was laying my chin. I took the opportunity to kiss the tip of her nose. She turned a light red which made me smile.
"You taste like makeup." I blurted out, a crease forming on my forehead. "Where's your room?"
Hugging her from behind really made me feel how her body tensed. It made me scared she'd think I'd do something. "Why?" She asked so quietly my ears strained to hear her.
"I just....want to see you without makeup." I entwined my fingers with hers as she thought it over. "Em I swear I'm not like that." I knew she understood what I meant. I also felt a thousand pounds of guilt get pushed down onto my shoulders. So maybe I was like that. But I knew that I had changed. I wasn't my old self and I was starting over. So if I was starting over, then really I'm not like that.
Em wiggled out from my arms and grabbed my hand. "Come on I'll give you a tour." I smiled as Em led me around her house. Rocket stayed close to our heels and would sometimes run ahead and jump on a sofa as if he were trying to show off. Once we were done with one room he'd jump off the furniture and run ahead of us.
"I really like your dog." I said after a while.
"He's to spunky." Em added.
I'm still mad you didn't taste him. My voice scoffed at me.
I'm mad you convinced me to lick a dog. I answered back.
Technically you didn't taste Rocket.
Don't be technical with me!
"Shawn?" Em asked looking at me oddly. Luckily she snapped me back from my internal battle.
"Sorry I was just...." I had no answer. What would I say. Sorry I was just....just what? There is no explanation for the voice in my head. I mean it sounded like me, it talked like me, it likes the same things that I like. So it is me. But it's like he comes out without warning. I don't even think he just comes. So honestly there is no answer for him. He's there. Period.
Em stood in front of a door with a pink swirl. "Warning, my aunt decorated my room."
I didn't question her. She opened her door and I peeked inside. Her room was painted to a creme color with some nice artwork of random colors. The bed was a dark wood with a four frame. There was a small curtain that when let go it would fall gracefully around her bed. It was tied against one of the poles at the frame so it wouldn't fall around. I realized that it would drape over Em's bed making it look like an ancient Greek or Egyptian style. But instead of the cover on the bed being a plain white like in the movies, this one had small sewn birds. Doves with the plant in their mouth. Blue jays on branches. Cardinals flying. It set a nice tone that said, Home.
There was a drawer by her bed and an old fashion closet in the corner of the room. I assumed she had a better closet somewhere else in the house.
In front of Em's bed instead of a TV set like my brothers and Tori. She had a book stand that was overflowing with different genres, sizes, and colors. What I did like was the window she had with the cushions and pillows. It was set up so you could lay down by the window. Sort of reminded me of Peter Pan Return to Neverland.Where Wendy's daughter, Jane, was sitting by the window during the World War....
How do you remember that movie?
I don't know....something to do with dad....
Oh...I loved that guy....
I felt that was unnecessary for it to say that. I felt this pang in my heart. It's like everytime I think about dad there's this gong where my heart is and it gets hit with a hammer. That's what it feels like.
I forced a smile not to worry Em and made sure to take my attention back to her. "This room is awesome." I said slowly walking to her book shelf. "And man you have a lot of books."
She just laughed softly leaning on the door frame, "I forgot you hate books."
I wasn't facing her, though I grinned. When I turned to face her there was a hurt expression written on my face and I lightly placed my hand over my heart. "I don't hate books," I replied sarcastically, "I just am not fond of them."
Em shook her head looking down at her feet, "Nah I'm the book worm and your the athletic popular kid that everyone loves."
I smirked, "Have you met my brother?" I wasn't sure if she was thinking of either Blake or Cole. But Blake was definitely the one that came mind.
"Actually I haven't...." Emily let it hang there. The only noise now was Rocket's claws on the ground as he walked to the window and jumped on the cushioned couch.
It made me realize that Em has never been over. She's never met Blake or Cole. She's seen them but never met them. Talked with them. So in a way she doesn't know my family.
Tori. She your family too. Bill. Suzie. We don't need to be compromised. It said bluntly.
This isn't a mission!
What if it was?!? Dude I call being 008.
Well James Bond is 007 right?
I have no words for you.
That's good. I left you speechless.
I blocked out the rest of it as it continued to say random things. Once it was out of my mind I grabbed Em's hand and dragged her to the bathroom. When I walked in I grabbed Em's hips and lifted her onto the counter.
"Why do you want me with no make up?" She asked.
I didn't answer, instead I put either arm at her sides as I leaned on the counter. " do I get all that stuff off your face?"
She pointed at a drawer and I pulled it open. Inside were these cotton pads that I've seen in mom's cabinet all the time. "I always wondered what this did. I thought they were for nails or something." I shrugged.
"Well your half right..." Em said quietly. "Shawn I'm just wondering but why do you want my makeup off?"
I wasn't sure if I was doing this correctly but I wet the cotton under some warm water under the sink. "Because I want to see you as you and not under a coat of...." I wiped her cheek with the cotton and a small coat of blush was left on the cotton. I held it up to show it to Em, "I don't want to see you with that."
Em chuckled, "Fine...quickly. I'm hungry."
She closed her eyes and I continued to clean her face. It wasn't that she had a thick coat of makeup. But it did take a good while to get everything off. When I was done I took a step back to look at her. Her eyes were still closed but either way she looked stunning with no makeup.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts, "Yeah you can open your eyes now."
She slowly lifted her eyelids and looked at me, "Problem?"
I shook my head, "Emily your beautiful. You don't need that shit on your face. Your just covering yourself up."
Em turned red and strecthed her arms in front of her pulling me towards her. She kept her arms around my neck and smashed her lips on mine. I wasn't expecting it, but it didn't take me very long to respond. I had already slipped my arms around her waist pulling her even closer.
Her lips were so soft and gently against mine. They weren't like anything I had felt in the past. When our lips moved together I blocked the whole world. There was nothing that I wanted but her. That was all that mattered. Me and her.
I didn't want to stop. I really didn't. And I mentally cursed at myself for having the need to breathe. Em pulled away catching her breath. It didn't stop me though. I traced kisses down her jaw and her neck, moving back up.
"Shawn...babe..." Her hands pushed against my chest. I didn't stop. It was difficult stopping once I started. I just wanted her, I wanted her badly. But I knew that it wasn't what she wanted. And I respected that. So I gave her one last peck on the lips before I entwined her fingers with mine.
"Come on. I'm hungry." I pulled her off the counter and faced towards the door. At the doorway sat Rocket wagging his tail, his tongue sticking out. It dawned on me that a dog was watching us the whole time.
"I think he wants action Shawn." Em gave me a wink before walking ahead of me, picking Rocket up as she walked out the door. I couldn't help but stand there and smile. After a couple seconds I walked after Em and found her downstairs making spaghetti.
"It's to quiet..." I said walking to her side.
She handed me a bowl, "There's dog food in the pantry. Go get Rocket some food please."
I did as I was told and walked to the pantry. There was a bag of dog food and I scooped up a bowl full. Rocket skipped around my legs waiting for the food to be set down. "Em do you have music?" I asked putting the food down. Rocket started chowing it down and I patted his back.
"In the living room. I have a iPod dock. You can bring it here." She never took her eyes off the pot of spaghetti as she stirred the noodles.
I walked over to the living room and found the dock with a iPod already inserted. It was right over the chimney. While I grabbed it I saw the pictures. There was a woman and a man. They were both sitting down and it was a close up on the faces. They looked happy and you could see their hands holding. Then there was a different picture. There was a baby between the same man and woman. I looked at one more picture. This one had the same women. The man was gone but there was a little girl. Four or five. She was between the women from the last two pictures and then someone I recognized.
It was Melissa. And the five year old girl was Em. That means the last women must be Em's mother. And if Em's mother was the same lady from the other pictures then the man that disappeared was Em's father.
"Shawn?" I heard in the distance.
"Yeah?" I called back trying to photographically memorize these pictures.
"Did you find it?" Em shouted.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm going." I quickly grabbed the dock placing it under my arm and walking back. Those pictures seemed really strange to me. I don't know it just looked different. Em's parents looked happy in the first picture. In the others they looked...changed.
I walked in the kitchen and Emily smiled when she saw I had the player. I set it on the counter and flipped through her songs. "Ooooh...." I said clicking a song. Blurred Lines started playing and I sang along. Em laughed while I danced around her kitchen.
"What rhymes with hug me," I quoted after a while.
"Come on dinners ready." She grabbed some plates and I serached for the forks. We turned the music down and she spread tomatoe sauce on the spaghetti. Soon enough we were seated around her dining table eating spagetti. When I put a roll of the spagetti in my mouth I couldn't help the surprised look. Probably the best spagetti I had ever tasted. It was better than my moms.
"Can I marry you?" I asked after a minute of eating.
Em raised an eyebrow, "I don't know Shawn. The mortgage. The bills. Plus I hear a wedding costs a lot of money."
I laughed, "What tomato sauce did you use?"
Em smiled, "That's a secret. My mom made the recipe and gave it to my aunt."
I didn't say anything the rest of dinner. We listened to the music and finished up the spagetti. I waited for Em to finish up and when she was done I picked up her plate and walked towards the sink. There was a sponge and I turned on the hot water. I started washing the dishes scrubbing all the tomatoe sauce off.
If mom saw me she'd be so mad because I never clean the dishes back home. After washing the plates I set them on the drying rack. Maybe I should do this at home more often. After all it wasn't as hard or dirty as I thought it was.
When I looked over my shoulder I saw Em had a leash in her hand I remembered Melissa said we had to walk Rocket. It was pitch black outside now. But if I were Rocket and I had to do my business I don't think I'd care what time it was.
My ears perked up when I heard a song playing. Secrets by One Republic.
I couldn't help it, I started singing and Em laughed. After a minute I grabbed her hand and brought her in my arms. We danced, moving our feet in small steps. I looked up at the ceiling singing along, "I'm gonna give all my secrets away."
Em rested her head on my shoulder and moved along with me. When the song ended I just held her close. I didn't want to let go. I wished I could just stop time and stay here forever. Emily in my arms. That's how it should have been. Just me and her all the time.
I just didn't understand how I ever lived without her. Now when I think back, all I can think of is the regret I have for doing everything. For being with so many girls so many nights. I should have never dated them. I should have waited. Waited for the right girl and I finally find her but if I ever tell her about my stupidity she'd turn me down.
Right now was what I wanted. Her in my arms as we gently rocked back and forth to a song. But like always, good times must come to an end.
Rocket started clawing at the door and Em looked over. She looked a bit sad to, almost as if she was also enjoying the moment and didn't want to leave either. But she slipped out of my arms and walked towards the puppy that was now whining and clawing at the garage door.
"Come on," she said grabbing her coat and slipping it on. She clicked the end of the leash onto Rocket and headed towards the door. I followed after her making sure to zip my jacket up. When she opened the garage door a gust of cold fall air hit us. I cringed for a second feeling the chilly air dance on the hairs on the back of my neck.
Em moved closer to me and Rocket trotted towards the opening.
"It's cold..." Em stated her teeth chattering slightly.
"Come on just let Rocket to his puppy needs and we'll be back in a jiff." I put my arm around her shoulders trying to add some of my body warmth to her. Rocket whinned when his leash tugged at his collar. When we started walking he moved ahead, his collar straning at his neck.
Em's town was peaceful. It was nice at night too. The lamp posts and the sidewalk. Most neighborhoods here don't have sidewalks but this one did. Most houses were dark, except for the Halloween decorations that lit up in the front yard. 
It was quiet outside, and I liked that. It wasn't a scary quiet where we'd feel like some so Grimm Reaper was chasing us. No it was a peaceful quiet.
We passed by a house in silence. Em looked to cold to say anything. And I was very intrigued by the house with the laughing skeleton.
"So Em..." I said breathing out. My breath was visible in the cold air. And the street light illuminated the way for us.
"Yeah?" Em asked when she realized I had stopped talking.
"Why don't you tell me about your parents?" I didn't want to ask bluntly but it sure sounded that way...I was hoping to ease into it but that hadn't worked.
Em's grip on Rocket's leash tightened as if she were afraid he'd run away, "What about them?"
"I'm just...confused. You said your parents divorced and that you lived with your mom. But you live with your aunt."
"It's not necessarily a parents are sort of divorced and I did live with my mom."
"Why are you using past tense?" Now don't get me wrong I like Em. More than any other girl I've known. I might even be past like. But she was being cryptic with me...
Em inhaled deeply. It was a shaky breath like she was about to poor her heart out and that frighten me. "I was a mistake Shawn. I was never expected. Hell my parents weren't even married."
At this point I felt my heart sink. I didn't mean to make her feel like this. Or the way she looked said it all. "Em it's ok you don't have to-"
"No its fine..." She layed her head on my shoulder, "My mom never had a straight job. She jumped from place to place. Actually she just moved around the world. She met dad in Paris." Em chuckled, "Paris. They thought they were in love. With the big lights and romantic setting. They thought they finally met their perfect match. It was a one night stand. It was at a lousy cheap hotel. Then mom got pregnant. She wasn't ready to support a child. Dad...he came to the U.S. He stayed until I was three."
We reached the small park the neighborhood had. I took a seat on the bench and Em let go of Rocket and he played around in the grass. I wasn't worried right now if he got lost. He had this blinking collar that showed us where he was at. And he never seemed to wander far.
All my attention was directed to Em. She took a seat beside me and I tried my best to comfort her. I had an arm around her shoulders and another went around the front of her waist. "It's ok Em you don't have to keep going." I whispered it softly. Loud enough for her to hear the seriousness of my tone.
"My dad...he said he was going on a trip. He'd be back in a week. We dropped him off at the airport. A week later we went back. He never came back. We went the next day and he wasn't there. His line was disconnected. That's when I realized, me being a three year old girl, that my dad wasn't coming back." Emily looked down at her hands. I just didn't know how to react to this.
I understood the feeling. I knew what it was like to loose a father. To understand the feeling of him never coming back. But Em's situation was different. Her father chose to leave, mine didn't have a choice.
"Em please baby it ok. You can stop." I didn't want her to suffer. This was hurting me too now. The way she looked. Even in the dark I could see her sadness. It was like a shadow over casting her beautiful face. It morphed the beauty to sorrow. All was sadness.
"It's fine Shawn. You'd do the same for me..." Em looked up staring straight ahead. She pulled in a shaky breath and I just watched her. I watched her reactions and I listened. "After dad left mom was a mess. Every night there was a different man in my house. Every night. Some were nice, but some were...abusive. Or drunk and they didn't know what they were doing. I'd lock myself in my room every night Shawn. Even Christmas."
The thought of my girlfriend terrified every night wasn't something I'd want her to go through. It was killing me seeing her this way, it was eating at me. My insides felt sick and my heart felt like it was being squeezed like a rag.
"One day mom said we were going for a trip. She was going to have to leave me with my aunt. I was six. Part of me was happy. No men, no drinks, no fear. My aunt lived outside a small town. It was a nice and quiet town and peaceful too. I remember," Em smiled. A real smile that I was at least satisfied with. But her eyes still read the unforgivable sadness, "I remember going to her house and feeding the ducks she had in a pond. And we'd eat fresh apple pie."
"Melissa right?" I asked softly not wanting to interrupt.
"Yeah. I just call her Auntie." I followed Em's gaze and they stared at the little puppy that was sniffling the ground and walking through the grass and dew. "Auntie..." Em continued, "Loved me. She smiled and hugged me and gave me presents when I arrived. My mom pulled out suitcases from the back trunk and we settled. We were staying for a month. Mom seemed distant at the time. Auntie and I would do things together. We'd shop and we'd play with her old doll house. On week three mom said she had to go to work. That she was going out of state to deal with some new job opening. The night she was leaving she gave me a giant suitcase. It had books and recipes. She told me that all the books in the suitcase had gotten her out of situations. That night, was the first night in years she told me she loved me."
In the moonlight I saw the small shine of a tear as it rolled down Em's cheek. I pulled my sleeve into the palm of my hand and gently wiped the tear away.
Em forced a smile but when she breathed in her breath was so shaky she stifled a sob. "The next day we took my mom to the airport. My first week with Auntie was happy. I was really happy and I got into some of the books mom wanted me to read. When we went to the wasn't there. We looked everywhere Shawn. Even Auntie was scared. That was the second time my parent abandoned me...three years after my dad left my mom got fed up with me and left too." Em looked up at me her eyes filled with unshed tears. "I was a mistake. A burden placed on people. I'm a nobody I wasn't even suppose to be born."
I was so fed up with her saying she was a mistake, I pulled her onto my lap and started cradling her while she cried in my shoulder. I patted her hair down, my chin resting on her head. Rocket came up and jumped on the bench staring intently as if he were confused.
"Em baby don't cry. Please don't cry." I had finally found my weakness. I couldn't handle a crying girl. "Emily your smart. Your beautiful. And most of all you do have people that love you. Your aunt loves you, your friends love you, your dog who's staring at me like I'm his next chew toy, even he loves you. And me. Em I love you. I don't like you I love you. What would I do without you? You've turned my whole world upside down."
Em sniffled and now I was a bit worried about something. I just admitted I loved her. Was it to early? Or what if now she thought I was to sensitive or I didn't mean it? worst bet would be if she didn't feel the same way.
Em looked up at me and I was glad it was dark or she might see the paleness of my face. Or that fact that I am deadly scared right now. "Do you really love me?" She asked never taking her eyes off mine.
"I've loved you since the day you walked into that chemistry room..." I pulled back a strand of her hair and made sure to reset the small rose I had given her earlier.
"Will you go to homecoming with me?" I didn't need to hear what she was going to say. I'd rather have her know that I love her. If she didn't love me back then I could wait. For now I just wanted the answer for homecoming.
Em smiled but I could tell this conversation wasn't over, "I don't see how we have a choice. I heard people are voting us for king and queen."
"I just found out this afternoon." I layed my forehead onto Em's, closing my eyes. We just sat there a few minutes. It was still cold outside and the air started to seep through my jacket and my skin felt the effects of goosebumps forming.
"Shawn I'm really really cold." Em chattered.
"My thoughts exactly. Come on let's go before we get sick." Em slid off my lap clipping the leash onto Rocket. I bent my arm out and Em linked her arm with mine. We walked in silence all the way home. I kept re-thinking everything I had just learned about Em's past. It wasn't something I would want to go through. It felt like to much for a child to handle. And Melissa was probably all the family Em had now. Her aunt was practically her mother.
We reached Em's house and entered through the garage. I felt like there was a thin coat of frost on my shoulders and when I entered the warm house it all just melted away. My nose was probably a light pink from the cold, along with Em. But a pink nose looked cute on her. I probably looked like Rudolph the red nose reindeer.
"What are you smiling at?" Em asked looking at me. I hadn't noticed I was smiling until she pointed it out. That was something she was good at. She made me do things I didn't even notice I was doing until she mentioned it.
"Just your nose." I shrugged pulling my jacket off because now it was hot.
"Come on," Emily grabbed my hand and started leading me upstairs. It was funny how she didn't even ask questions anymore. Guess she's used to me.
"What are we doing?" I asked.
"Your going to read to me."
"Pardon?" Now I knew Em liked to read. But I hated reading. Much more I hated reading out loud. It's no fun because I always screw up more.
"Read to me. So I can fall asleep." We walked to her room where she let go of my hand. She went to the bookcase and flipped through books of all sizes. Finally she pulled one out. "Come here," I walked after her as she went and sat by the window. When I sat behind her I decided to lay down after kicking my shoes off. She just laughed and handed me the book.
"Alright what do we have here..." I stated while Em snuggled into my side, laying her head across my chest.
The book in my hands was a dark red with black. It looked really old fashioned and the pages were painted gold. There was a pair of trees painted in the same dark red. Only the trees had sharp teeth and looked evil. The title was in gold letters with an old fashion mid evil looking font. Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales.
I raised my eyebrow even though Em couldn't see me. "The Grimm Brothers? I'm going to read this?"
"Mhmm..." She snuggled closer.
"Can't we just watch Snow White instead?" I asked.
"No now start reading..."
I groaned inwardly and flipped the book open, "Story one. The Frog-King, or Iron Henry... In old times when wishing still helped one, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen so much, was astonished whenever it shone in her face."
The fact that I was interested was shocking. So I kept going. To be honest after a while I wasn't even sure if Em was asleep or not. But I kept reading. It wasn't until my eyes started drooping and the book started sliding out of my hands I realized I was tired. I had gone through several stories, possibly ten. Some were longer and some shorter. All of them were werid to be honest. Some were dark in the end and some I questioned if the Grimm Brothers were just crazy.
"Em..." My eyes drooped again, "Baby I'm falling asleep."
Dude she's asleep... My voice yawn.
"I'll just...put her in bed..." I said aloud. Everything was hazy and foggy. I was definitely tired because this never happens unless I'm exhausted. I picked up Em, her body was so small when I carried her this way. I placed her on her bed and pulled the covers back. Then slid her body under the sheets and covered her up. I wasn't sure if I could stay the night but I was about to crash any second.
I yawned again and shook my head. Just as I walked away from Emily she grabbed my wrist, "Shawn don't go..." Her eyes were still closed but she had a crese on her forehead.
I walked around her bed before falling onto the opposite side bringing her back to my chest. "Night Em."
"I like it when you read to me Shawn..." Her breathing slowed and she breathed at the steady rhythm of sleep. The moment my eyes closed I felt like opening them would be to much work.
Night Shawn...
Goodnight No name.
Well guys I have more time on my hands so I'll try to update sooner :)
Hope you guys liked it please vote and comment. And stayed tuned.

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