Chapter Twenty-Six

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Kelsey ( Pt. 2 of Deadly Night)

I thought as quickly as I could, consider if his offer, of course Siera was howling with joy and so for her... "Lets wait until this is over and we will see.." I said slowly.

I seen the disappointment instantly before he covered it with a small smile. "I understand." He said sweetly.

I nodded, turned and left. I began observing the off duty pack patrol, as they filed in for food and entertainment. No one seemed out of sorts but then I noticed someone was missing.. Brittney.

Thinking back on it, she had avoided me the entire time I was here except for a glare or two. I wonder where she is?

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, and continued watching, even talked to a few. One being Max, the only 'nicer' wolf of this pack. But still nothing out of the ordinary.

My mind buzzed slightly, I knew someone was trying to link me and knew it was probably Ty, dropping my block I'm greeted with a ear piercing scream.

I jump from my seat, knocking the chair over in the process, everyone's attention turned to me. Kelly.... rouges......

"ELI ROUGES!" I yelled, running out the door to follow Tyler's scent, even though I knew around the area he would be. I would shift if I had to, but what had me scared was the amount of blood I smelt in the air and I recognized it as Tyler's.

I could hear the warning howl from Eli, but I continued forward until I seen the body on the ground. I froze for but a moment before I ran forward. I looked for the deepest wound and covered it with my hands, I used my weight to press, feeling the blood soak my shirt.

I felt the tears come as I watched Tyler's face pale from blood loss. Where was Eli?!

Tyler began spitting up blood, and coughing. "Oh my god!!!! Please, please please Ty dont leave me!!! Keep your eyes open!!!" I screamed at him, my hands and shirt covered in his blood.

I could hear his heart beat slowing, and his eyes began to flutter closed but I shook him, the tears wouldnt stop.

"DON'T JUST FUCKING STAND THERE!! HELP HIM!!!" I yelled at the two pack members that were on potrol with us.

But they didn't move they stood there just watching. I was about to yell again when something caught my attention then I seen her.. I was wondering what she was doing here when I felt something hit me hard on the back of the head making me see spots... my last thoughts before darkness took me was, where was Eli? And will my best friend die?..

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