Chapter Thirty

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Eli - A month Later.

I haven't stopped or even rested from searching for Kelsey. I've continued updating Alpha Gracan and his Beta Jason. They have helped and have send numerous trackers out to help me widen my search. But, even with their help, no luck.

Tyler has fully healed, thank god. And has been going just as long as I have searching for his best friend. I can't say that I'm not happy to have his help. Because I know the more people helping the better chance we have in finding her.

Brittney has been a pain in my ass, always reminding me she could be dead because of how long it's been, and each time I have to stop Xavier from ripping her head off her shoulders. Since I know she was there I've kept my beta, Alex on her tail hoping, praying that she will make a mistake and lead us to Kelsey.

I look out my window, thinking of where they would take my beautiful mate. What could they be doing to her as I sit here trying to figure out where she is.

I've never felt more helpless in my life. I've failed to not only cherish my mate, but to protect her.

I rub my temples feeling a headache coming on, until I feel Xavier become restless.

Mate! Our mate is trying to speak to us!!! Xavier exclaimed, howling with joy and relief.

How? How can she speak to us? We have no bond strong enough for that yet.

I don't hear her! I say, on the verge of panic and fear.

**Xavier's PoV**

Siera are you okay? Is Kelsey? I ask desperate to hear that they are fine.

Yes Xav, we are.....okay. I wish I could tell you our exact location but.. were in a room with no windows it's concrete. We can't smell anything.. she says in sadness.

I notice a bit of weakness or tiredness in her voice that worries me but I know my mate is strong. Who took you? What have they done to you? Even though I know Brittney has been apart of it, and I need to know what she's going through.

A rouge, he hasn't ever told us a name. But we know Brittney was apart of this. We've seen her here. Siera grow in anger, ignoring my question of her physical condition.

I know baby. We are trying, we heard she was apart of it and have been tailing her. But she hasn't slipped up yet. Be strong my love. I say hoping it gives her some strength.

I will Xavier. I love you. She whispers tiredly.

I hold back a whimper at her distress, I will find you. Never give up.. I stress to her. But then soon after the link is broken. I decided to quickly inform Eli of what's happened.


I wait, and wait, it seems like hours even though it's been only minutes before Xavier finally answers me again.

Siera was talking to me.. Xavier begins, I suddenly feel nervous at the obvious worry in his voice they are weak, and tired. I don't know what they are going through. They are in a room, no windows. They have no name of the rouge. He is smart. If he escapes us, we will have no way to track him other than scent which easially can be erased. I hear a small whimper. And I fell the sadness well up inside me.


I see red as I think about Brittneys betrayal, she will pay and she will tell me where my mate is. Or she will be wishing for death. I have waited and waited but now maybe I should make a direct approach.

I quickly have an exchange with Alex to bear his opinion, and am happy he agrees. I tell him to take Brittney to a holding cell and await me.

I'm taken from my thoughts by a knock, I quickly give permission to enter. And look up to see Tyler. Perfect just the person I wanted to see.

"Alpha, anything?" He asks, his eyes hopeful.

I shake my head, "Not really. But.. close the door and lock it."

He does as I ask, and looks at me curious. "I know she is alive." I say confidently.

He takes a sharp breath, "H-How are you so sure?"

"Her wolf contacted mine a few moments ago. The-" Tyler cuts me off, his face determined.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" He asks quickly.

I sigh, and ignore that he just interrupted me. "She doesn't know. They are in a basement of some sort. No windows. And honestly she didn't say but Xavier said she sounded tired and weak. But she ignored his question about herself." I say a bit sadly, then growl out "I was also told she had seen Brittney. Recently. So now I'm am taking a direct approach."

Tyler nods vigorously, "may I come?" He asks.

I debate and nod. "Yes." I get up and head to the holding cells.

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