Chapter Thirty-Three

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This will be a bit of both Kelsey and Eli's PoV



A whole month of searching for a location and finally I have it, a whole month of waiting to see and hear my mate and at least I've finally heard her, but I can't explain the amount of sadness nor fear I feel hearing her so defeated.

I wish... I wish I had given you that chance sooner Eli.. I'm s-sorry..  she said suddenly, I could hear the fear and sadness in her voice. The voice she used was brokenness, utterly defeated. Oh my god, she's giving up! No, no, no! I can finally save her she can't give up!!

KELSEY! KELSEY?! DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP! DO YOU HEAR ME!!! I screamed through the link, but suddenly felt it cut off.

The fear I felt earlier has maximized by a thousand fold. I could hear Xavier and feel him giving me a boost of power to run faster. And I didn't fight it, I ran and dodged everything in my way.

I will save my mate... or die trying..



I don't know how long I slept but when I woke and opened my eyes I wish I hadn't. The rouge sat there watching me with his creepy grin.

" Finally your awake. Now we can begin." He stood and moved towards me, I now noticed I was no longer chained and you'd think I'd first try to at least escape but the fact they barely fed me, or gave me water I can hardly move.

He crouched down next to me, grabbing my chin in his hand so that I was forced to look up at him. "I love the look in your eyes..." he gushed like a child on christmas. "Dull, no spark... submissive.."

I felt a spark go through me at the word then heard Siera growl I am NOT a submissive and I never will be!!

I want to help, I want to move but my body aches and hurts everywhere..

STOP being a baby! Come on Kelsey! Get up, punch him, spit in his fucking face! Do something!!! Siera snarled at me.

I couldn't even flinch from her voice or her scolding. I simply stared at the vile monster in front of me.

"Nothing to say love?" He taunted, and chuckled when I was silent. "I believe it's time we move this along." I was confused, move what along?

He stood up, looking down at me and then he slowly began to unbuckle his belt. I wasn't sure where the fear I felt was directed. The possibility of him beating me with it, or the possibility that he may....

My thought was completely shattered when I heard a ripping sound. Looking down I seen my shirt shredded in the front and my heart rate increased. He's...oh..

Do something Kelsey! Don't let him do it, please!!! Siera begged, and for once I was finally able to feel a small amount of power rush into me.

I may be broken now, but I won't let this monster take my virginity!

I stayed still, and he seemed to think it was even better. He openly stared at my bareness.

"You are beautiful, it still surprises me on why you ex mate would reject you. But then," he crouched down again and ran his sick finger down my cheek, to my neck, "he hasn't seen you at your best eh?" He dropped his belt beside him, which was in front of me.

"You will be screaming my name..." he began but stopped, "that's right you don't know it. My name is Adrian." He grinned, taking his shirt off he flung it aside then began the process of unbuttoning his pants....

I stayed still waiting for the right time. When I j
heard a sudden commotion of screaming and growls, I knew Eli had made it. I grabbed the belt and began to hit him with it.

I listened to him hiss, grunt and even once scream in pain as the metal peirced his skin, and felt great satisfaction over it. But it didn't last long, he snatched the belt and tugged hard making me lose balance. I tried to at least regain it but couldn't and fell to the floor.

Before I could even more he was on top of me, "you little bitch! Ill kill you now!!!" He snapped.

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