Chapter 3

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Yassen was relaxing at home, reading a book. It's has been a week, almost two, since he last saw Alex. He wanted to kiss the boy so badly. He tensed when the door opened after the lock twisted and unlocked. Alex stepped in and locked the door behind himself. "How did you get in?" Yassen asked as he sat up, Alex's lips twitched into a small smirk. He held up a small pen-like object. "Pick gun." Alex said as if it would explain everything which it did somewhat cleared up how Alex could get in so easily. "What are you doing here? How did you know where I live?"
"I saw you entering this house when I passed by the other day."
"You still haven't answered my first question."
"... I just wanted to drop by to say hi?" Yassen looked at Alex, the boy doesn't look like he would just drop by for such mundane things. Oh boy. How wrong was he? Very. Alex can do the silliest, most mundane task just to make sure the people he care about is safe and happy.
"Okay. Don't look at me like that. I came to say goodbye as well." Yassen froze in his spot. What did he mean goodbye?
"I am leaving on a mission. I might not come back. I didn't want you to worry." I didn't want to burden you. Alex thought as he looked at Yassen. Yassen stood and padded towards Alex who instinctively stepped back. He was once again backed up with no where to run. Yassen backed up him into a wall, he had moved knowing the boy would always move away from him until he has nowhere to go. Yassen stroked Alex's face like he did the first time he cornered Alex. Alex had flinched from the touch unlike the first time where he barely moved.
"What happened?"
"Tell me."
"You don't need to know Yassen."
"I do."
"Why, Yassen? Why do you care so much?!" Alex asked while reaching up to stop Yassen's hand from moving. They looked at each other as if trying to read into each other's souls. "I care so much because I love you Alex. I love you more than a friend and I want to be more than friends with you." Yassen confessed after a while, leaving Alex shocked.
"I love you Alex." Yassen repeated.
"No no no no. You wouldn't love someone like me Yassen." Alex said, shaking his head and quickly slid away. "I am not the person you would want to be with." Yassen had caught him say before he had slammed the door shut. Yassen sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. I won't give up. Someone needs to save Alex.

Alex growled as he ran as fast as he could in a zigzag pattern, trying to avoid the random sprays of bullets. Alex cried out when a bullet hit his arm. The pain was excruciating, he almost wanted to drop on the floor and surrender. No! Alex thought as he pushed harder. I can't stop. Alex thought quickly as he calculated the distance between him and the guards. He had enough distance to climb up a tree and take them out like a sniper with the AK-47 slung around him and resting diagonally on his back. Alex jumped up and climbed onto a tree he eyed that is tall but steady enough.
Once the guards were taken care of, he dropped from the ground and searched them, taking the weapons he need and a car key he found on one of them. He walked and he miraculously managed to walk in the right direction for the parking lots. Awesome. The only Lexus in the car park. Alex had cheered internally, letting a smirk fall on his face before his face smoothed out again. He pulled out of the lot and sped off, the door security wasn't around as Alex's flashy escape has caused a ruckus and needed a lot of manpower. So many men with dangerous weapons just for one teenager. Pathetic.

Alex had finally been able to take a shower after the long days. He was about to dress his wounds when he heard the almost inaudible creak of the floorboards. Why would the floorboards creak if he wasn't stepping on them? Answer? Someone is in the house. Alex grabbed his gun and approached slowly. He was about to strike but whoever that was, was obviously more experienced and faster. Alex's arm was twisted and the gun he held now was held to his own head. "You're not very good at this kind of situation, Alex." A familiar voice said calmly, amusement evident in his voice.
"Is that so?" Alex asked as he tapped his knife he held in his left hand against Yassen's side. Yassen smirked, the boy is good. He is very proud of him. Yassen released Alex and watched as the boy tucked the gun back into the safety of its holster in the back of his waistband, and tucked the knife into another holster that rested on his waistband as well. Yassen frowned as he took in Alex's appearance. Pale, fatigue lined his face but his eyes were still cold yet alert. The boy was skinny! The black shirt that Yassen saw once fitted the boy nicely now hung limply against the boy, threatening to fall off one of his shoulder. But the boy was still fit, lean and slightly muscular. "You've gotten smaller."
"Huh?" Alex asked confused by the sudden comment.
"That shirt used to fit you so well, showed off your beautiful figure. Now your figure is even more godlike yet you seem to have shrunk or the shirt simply got bigger." Yassen explained as Alex dressed his wounds himself, efficiently. Almost too efficient for someone so injured and yet still be able to produce such excellent neat handy work that can only be managed if someone experienced was doing it for you. He has done this far too many times for my liking.

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