Chapter 5

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Alex jolted awake when the smell hit him. It smells like... Bacon. What???? Alex got up and strode into the kitchen to see Yassen cooking. Alex raised an eyebrow, thinking he must be dreaming. He has an assassin in his kitchen, COOKING! The perks of getting involved with military intelligence and the world's most feared terror organisation. Alex turned and was about to head upstairs to change when strong arms wrapped around him. Yassen buried his face into the crook of Alex's neck, breathing in his scent. "Good morning Yassen." Alex greeted and the next thing he knew he was pinned to the wall with Yassen's face hovering inches from his. Alex took that time to study the assassin's beautiful facial features. His eyes had a ring of green before it faded to the striking icy blue colour, his eyelashes were long. Yassen took that time to do the same with Alex. His eyes were not actually as dark of a brown as Yassen first thought it was, it was kind of a dark russet colour- a reddish orange tinge that can be classified as a brown.
Yassen was surprised when Alex grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Once he has gotten over his initial shock, he responded back and soon both were fighting for dominance. And guess who dominated?! Yassen of course! They both struggled with each other, trying to gain the upper hand. Alex let out a small laugh as they separated for air, taking Yassen by surprise. "You... Have a nice laugh." Yassen said causing Alex to look up at his boyfriend, startled, before looking away and blushing. He's so cute. Yassen thought as he gave Alex one last hug before letting him go and pushing him towards where he had intended to go at first: upstairs.
Alex changed and padded down the stairs to see Yassen bringing the plates of breakfast to the table. They ate silently, content with being in each other's company, until Yassen decided to break the silence. "Why were you up so early?" Alex paused from his eating and looked up before looking back at his food. "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to get some of my paper work done."
"Am I suppose to say poor you?" Yassen joked when Alex said he had paperwork to be done. Alex mock glared at his now smirking boyfriend. "Yes, you should pity me. I have to do extra work just because the decoding team at MI6 isn't capable enough."
"Huh?" Alex proceeded to explain to about what he was doing and what he had decoded. Yassen just listened silently, a look crossing his face. "What's wrong?" Alex asked.
"... Does that mean you're going to have to go on a mission?"
"Probably." Alex said with a nonchalant shrug, Yassen sighed at the boy's defeated attitude. The boy isn't even going to fight MI6 anymore even though they basically had very little to threaten him about. "But you're going to get hurt."
"So I have gathered from my experiences." Alex said causing Yassen to wince.
"How many missions have you been on?"
"... I seriously don't know. I lost count after the 58th one." Yassen twitched, more than 58 missions and this child is still alive? Alex must have seen his twitch and knew what he was thinking about. "Luck of the devil they say. My luck will run out. The devil wouldn't want to protect a suicidal child. Hell, even hades wouldn't want to do that." The assassin looked at Alex in the eyes, as if assessing him while thinking about what to say next. "Then I will protect you."
"You're going to die if I am not careful." Alex said, his jaw clenched.
"I am willing to take that risk."
"I am not! Yassen! I don't want to see you die again! Do you know how painful that was?" Alex whispered harshly. How many times have we talked about this? Yassen didn't answer as he stood up and reached Alex in two steps before pulling him up and into a hug. He is going to break... He will break and die if this keeps up.
True to Alex's words about probably going on a mission, he had received a call later that day and was shipped to Japan before any of them could blink. Yassen was absolutely frustrated at MI6, at John Rider, at Ian Rider, at Scorpia, anyone! Anyone that had made Alex's life miserable! Yassen would be glad to kill them all if he was given the chance. Actually, he would return whatever they did wrong to Alex. Torture Scorpia, make John Rider and Ian Rider go through what they made Alex go through, the list is long, very very long.

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