Chapter 7: Torture

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"Hey..." I say weakly, as Scott sits down next to me. It has been 5 days since the attack at the school. I have been in the hospital, getting tests done, surgeries. My mom just came in and told me that the damage was worse then what they thought. They are sending me to a hospital in Cheyenne to get the surgery. She gave me the task of telling Scott.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asks, holding my hand. 

"Scott, I--"

"Wait, I need to say something." He says. I shut up because it's to hard to keep speaking. "I'm sorry. This is my fault and I--"

"Scott, I'm sure it's not your fault." I say, trying to get comfortable. "Could you--- Could you tell me what happened?" I ask, trying to get him to tell the truth. 

"I wasn't there for most of it. I ran into the gym to find you passed out."

"What happened before that? Why were we separated?" I wheeze.

"You locked me in a room." He says, laughing softly.

"Sounds like something I would do." I say, laughing with him. The laugh quickly turns into a cough. 

"Scott, I have to tell you something." I say, knowing I have to say it. "The damage is worse than what the doctors thought originally." His face starts to lose color. "They are sending me to a hospital in Cheyenne. I'll get the surgery done and come straight back." I say smiling through tears. "I'll be back for the Winter Formal, if not before then."

I hear a knock at the door and we both turn to see my mother. "Ellie, it's time."

I sigh, and try to sit up. Scott helps me and gives me a big hug. "Tell the girls I miss them and tell Stiles to stay sarcastic while I'm gone." I say, as my mother helps me into a wheelchair. "Bye Scotty."

"Love you." He says, as I am wheeled out of the hospital.


I get to the hospital and get to my room. I stay there, waiting for the surgeries, thinking of home. How am I supposed to protect the people I love if I am stuck here? 

All of a sudden, a man walks in with a clip board. "Hello there sweetheart." He says with a thick weird accent. "Looks like you were hit pretty hard there."

"Yeah, I was." I say, giggling a bit. Again the laugh turns into a fit of coughs. 

"Well, you've got a few surgeries but they might be pushed back." He says, with a trace of a smirk.

I groan, "Really? I want to get out of these hospital clothes as soon as possible." 

The man walks back towards the door and closes it. I sit up, wincing in pain. He then walks over to the windows and pulls the blinds down. "Oh sweetheart, I don't think you'll get to your surgeries." He says, turning towards me. His eyes flicker black and I gasp, knowing exactly who he is.

"Alistair..." I whisper. 

"In the flesh kiddo, sort of." He says, walking towards me. A few years back, Sam was kidnapped and put into a 'special kids thunder dome' of sorts. There, it was kill or be killed. Sam managed to stay alive long enough for Dean, Bobby and I to find him. When we did, another kid stabbed him, killing him almost instantly. Dean made a demon deal to bring Sam back. A demon deal is when someone asks a demon for something, and they basically sell their soul. They normally die ten years later. Not in Dean's case. The demon gave him 1  year to be with Sam. The deal happened and Dean got an entire year with Sam. The end of the year came, and I had to do something. Dean didn't deserve to go to hell. So I tried to give myself to the demons instead of him. When the hellhounds came to take him to hell, I jumped in front of them. They killed me. My final thought was that I saved him. I saved Dean. But no, I didn't. Lilith, the demon who is trying to raise Lucifer, sent Dean to hell. We were down there for the entire summer. There, I was tortured every second of every day. I refused to torture other souls, so the same demon kept torturing me: Alistair. In hell, time flows differently. So in about 30 years, A new person came in to torture me: Dean. I told him that I don't remember anything, but I do. I remember every second of it. I remember Dean cutting through my body as Alistair watched, smiling.

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