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Scott parks his bike, carefully taking off his helmet. Everything that happened in the past week had been exhausting and draining. From his questions finally being answered to the aftermath of the battle, Scott is completely done with the supernatural. 

His friends have started to worry about him. He hadn't talked much since the fight. It's understandable to Stiles and Lydia. They both knew those lost well. After Allison, they thought everything would balance out in the end-- they would heal. In reality, Lizzie's disappearance and fight had just ripped open a poorly sewn stitch.

Lydia and Stiles walk up to the lone McCall silently, both just wanting to be there for him. The three of them had lost so much-- their innocence, their normality, and last but not least, their family. 

Before the three pack members could go inside, a roaring engine catches their attentions. All three of them turn to see a black Impala pulling up. Two large men walk out and they stiffen. Nothing good ever happened when the Winchesters met with Scott. 

Sam and Dean lean against the hood of the Impala, patiently waiting for the teens to approach them. Lydia sighs, being the only one with enough courage to take the first step. "Why are you guys still here?" She asks as Scott and Sties flank her.

"Needed the closure," Dean says gruffly, averting his eyes. 

Sam rolls his eyes at his brother's grieving before pulling out a small piece of paper and handing it to Scott. "What is this?" The True Alpha questions, seeing a series of numbers. 

"Our numbers." Sam replies, sighing. "We get it now, really. You didn't choose this, just like we didn't." Sam motions to Dean before hesitating. "Just like Lizzie didn't." At the name, everyone looks down, remembering the fallen friend.

"But, she always was about one thing," Dean speaks up, finally looking at the teens. "Family."

"If you ever need anything, anything at all, call us," Sam tells them. "Lizzie trusted you and loved you. The least we can do to honor her is to help you too." With that, the taller Winchester moves back into the car. 

"So, like, if I have a question on the supernatural--" Stiles is cut off.

"Only for extreme cases, kid." Dean rolls his eyes. "Don't call us every time you have a small problem. We have lives and jobs to do." He pushes off his car and moves towards Scott, taking out a thick envelope. 

He stares at it, turning it over in his hands before sighing and looking up at the teens. "Not that long ago, we were going to face the devil," Dean tells them. "Lizzie had been on the phone the entire night before, talking to people. I remember her face lighting up when she was talking to Allison. Something about cute, french guys." Lydia snorts, hiding her sadness. "I went to her later that night and she was upset that she was lying to you all about what she was actually doing, even though she wouldn't admit it. And then, she gave me this, saying that if she didn't make it, I should mail it to you."

Scott hesitantly takes the letter, curious as to its contents. "Thank you, Dean." Scott whispers, too afraid to let his voice go any higher.

"Seriously, though. If you kids need help, don't be afraid to call us." Dean reminds them. They nod mutely before Dean gets back into his car. 

"Sam. Dean," Stiles calls out, stopping them before they can drive off again. "To Lizzie." 

The brothers let small smiles make their ways onto their faces. "To Lizzie." They call back before the engine revs and the black Impala drives off.

"To Lizzie." Scott breathes. "To my sister."

ITS DONE!! So, just as an FYI, I will be doing some more stuff with Lizzie-- whether it be soon or not. I'm really into Lexi and Anna's characters so it might be a while. I have some stuff I need to think about before I decide if I should continue writing about Lizzie, whether it be more stuff with Winchesters or pre-reveal Teen Wolf stuff. 

Tell me your opinions on this series. It was my second and I was rereading my first series (The Twin Gilbert) and it SUCKED!! I feel like I've improved so much! So tell me how you liked the book cause I really want to know.

I love you all! 

P.S: I found the gif above on google images, but I added the "For Lizzie" And I'm so freaking happy it worked! Yay!

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