Chapter 11: Building The Pack

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"So you kidnapped her?" I ask into the phone.

"That's how we train." Chris says.

"And you made her think that you were going to kill her?" I ask, still in disbelief.

"Is that judgment I hear?" I hear a hint of a smile.

"No, no, not at all." I say. "Anyway, keep me out of your hunts."

"What? Why?" 

"I can't work with your father. He condemned a 16 year old kid. If I or--" I stop, not knowing if he knew that Allison was there.


"Or Allison wasn't there, Isaac would be dead. I can't work with murderers."

"That's the price we pay."

"No, the price we pay for being hunters, at least my kind or hunter, is no connections. You make enemies, powerful enemies. You know anyone or have anything that can be used against you, they use it. The price is not killing innocents." I huff in annoyance. "Have fun training Allison." I hang up the phone and scream in irritation. 

I quickly get ready for school and grab an apple on the way out. 


I watch with a smile as Scott and Allison climb up the rock wall. They keep talking about something, but I have no idea what. All of a sudden he checks her ass out and she starts to climb faster. Scott beats her, and she kicks his foot out of place, sending him down the wall. 

I giggle as everyone starts to laugh. Coach Finstock walks over to Scott and laughs, "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." He then looks up at the rest of us. "Next two. Stilinski, Erica, lets go!" I give a pitiful look towards Erica Reyes. Erica is epileptic and is made fun of. I check in with her from time to time but she doesn't seem to want my help. 

They both start to climb the wall and Stiles gets to the top in back quickly. I realize that Erica is stuck in the middle, afraid to come down. She starts to breathe harshly as I try to push myself closer to the wall. 

I finally get close to the wall as Coach is told of Erica's epilepsy. I prepare to climb the wall when my brother taps me on the shoulder. "Harness." He says, pointing to Stiles, who still has his harness on. 

"I'll manage." I start to climb the wall, as Scott looks worried. I climb up and get to Erica quickly. 

"McCall! What the hell are you doing without a harness?" I hear Coach yell. I ignore him and focus on Erica.

"Hey, hey. You're ok. There's a mat that will catch you and that belay can hold 100 times your weight. You are perfectly safe. You just need to push off the wall." I say calmly. 

"Ok, ok, ok...." She mumbles as she slowly moves her hands towards the rope.

"There you go." I say smiling. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Now, push away from the wall slowly." She does so, and falls to the ground. People start to snicker at her as she runs away. "Now, how the hell am I going to get down?" I mumble. I slowly move my hands and feet down rhythmically until I get to the ground. 

Before I can get to Erica, Scott runs up to me with anger in his eyes. "Why did you do that? It wasn't safe."

"Yeah, well, neither is an epileptic climbing a rock wall." I say, crossing my arms. I push past him and start to walk out of the gym.


"Lydia? Lydia! There you are!" I say, running up to her. "Hey are you ok?" I ask. I see her looking into the trophey case with tears in her eyes. 

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