Creepy Clown Doll

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It was Christmas Eve that night and I was so excited because mom told me I can open one present.

That evening, my parents and I settled down comfortably in the living room. I was eating a plate of cookies and drinking a cup of hot chocolate. My parents were drinking tea.

Beside me were presents from mom and dad,cousins,aunties,uncles,and other relatives.

"Mom,dad, I've finished the cookies and hot chocolate. Can I open the present now?" I asked.

"Sure."Mom said without glancing.

I quickly put all the presents around me and closed my eyes. Then I pointed randomly. I opened my eyes and found that I've pointed to a present in a weird shape that was wrapped neatly in red,orange and yellow paper.

I placed all the presents back and tear open the one I chose. Inside was a creepy old clown doll.

I shuddered and whined

I checked the wrapping paper but found no name. No Santa,or, aunty. Who sent me this?

"Mom,I got an old doll! And I'm not even a girl!" I whined,disappointed.

"Andrew,you should be thankful for the doll. It's antique." Mom said.

I picked up the doll from the box and looked at it. I shuddered again. It's hair was made of red woollen strings and it's face was completely white. It's eyes were made out of artificial eyeballs and it's smiling mouth was made out of red paint. It's clothes were red and orange and it had a hat with bells on. It smelled strange.

"It's late. Go up to your room." Dad said. I nodded without taking my eyes off the doll.


At my room, I studies the doll once again in dim light. This time,the red painted mouth seemed to have melted and dripped.

It looks like....blood.

I think I saw its eyes gleamed red, but I shrugged it off and went to sleep.


I dreamed that I was at a swimming pool and I was sliding down the huge slide. Suddenly a hand appeared out of nowhere and gripped my ankle. It looks like a doll's hand. I screamed and screamed all the way down the slide and when I reached the pool,water rushed into my mouth and eyes. I tried to swim up but the gripped hand pulled me down.

It was painful.

I quickly wake up,sweating.


The next morning I saw a red mark in form of a small hand on my ankle.

The hand of my clown doll was also red,as if it gripped onto something. I was very freaked out and I packed the doll and sent it away to Montreal.

I hope I never have to see it again. 

But I guess you will...

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