10 PM

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There were two best friends named Claire and Judith, who lived in the same hostel but in different rooms;They shared all their secrets with each other and were always with each other no matter what happened.

One night, Judith was in Claire's room

It was 2 am when Judith was going back to her room, she heard a noise from behind and saw Claire fully covered in blood.

She got so frightened at the sight that she ran away.

The next morning she went to Claire's room and but couldn't find her there.

So she thought that Claire would have gone out so she got her stuff and headed outside,there was a big crowd on a road nearby.

She went running into the crowd to see why were so many people crowded on the road.

When she got inside the crowd, she heard people talking about her best friend Claire's death which occurred on 10 pm.

They said that she had died in a car accident while she was crossing the road.

Judith was crying because of her friend's death.

But then she realized that she was in Claire's room at 2 am and Claire was there.

So Who was with her in Claire's room ???

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