The Diary

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23rd March, 1976

It's been three days since I've been stuck here in this basement. Nothing to eat. No one to talk to. I might die just of boredom. The only thing keeping me alive is this diary which I found today when I was looking through some drawers. But something strange is happening. I don't know if I'm imagining it, but I keep seeing this pretty girl and this creepy man everywhere. The girl is always by the staircase, watching me. The man is all the way on the other side.

25th March, 1976

I haven't had a chance to write. I don't think I even have a chance to live! I can feel myself getting skinny, it's either I'm losing weight or my bones are getting bigger. The girl is still there right now. She's staring at me. With those beady little eyes. I can only see the man and her out of the corners of my eyes. Every time I try to focus on them, they always disappear. I don't even remember how I got locked in here. But they know. The people who are watching me. The same people who are watching you read this diary. I'm scared to even move. Please help me.

26th March, 1976

THE CREEPY MAN POINTED A GUN AT ME TODAY! Or was it tonight? I don't know, I can't tell. It's always so dark and drafty in here. But how is it drafty? This blasted dungeon doesn't even have windows. I was just standing there and the man held up a type of '60s war gun, which is strange because he probably was never in the army. What I also noticed, the girl and man are getting closer. When the apparitions first started, they were more than 6 feet away. Now they're each 2 feet from me. Whoever's reading this, don't call the police...I can't even remember what address I'm in.

27th March, 1976

It's been a week. I think the ghosts can hear my stomach rumbling. I'm losing oxygen. I've fainted 3 times in the past 2 days. Who keeps on reviving me? It's probably the girl. She's much closer than she was last night. She's practically right next to me. She's THAT close. The man doesn't seem to be coming closer anymore. In fact, he's further away than where he started. He's still holding that gun. Doesn't he ever get tired? Okay. Got to go now. I don't feel comfortable with the hot breaths cascading down my neck.

29th March, 1976

It's official. I'm going crazy. Today, the girl picked up a piece of wood debris and was going to pound my brain out. I couldn't defend myself; I couldn't see anything. I put my hands over my head and cowered in fear. Just as she was a few inches away from me, I heard a loud bang. The man was there, smoke still flying out his gun. He saved my life! The girl ghost disintegrated with an ear-piercing shriek. I covered my ears and then turned over to the man. He smiled, nodded and told me something, then he disappeared. But that still didn't help my trapped-in-basement problem!

31st March, 1976

I haven't seen the girl or the man again in the basement. It's just me alone here. The good thing is, I won't be alone for long. Because the man told me that the next person to read this diary will suffer the same fate I did. But this time, I'll be the creepy man and save you. Or will I?

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