Get Out Of Here!

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Crystal's POV

"We're in trouble," I whisperedto the guys. They all slowly nodded as they looked around the pack house. "Psh....Dean, do you see that?" I questioned pointing to Mr. Stalker. I heard Dean gulp as he nodded his head vigorously.

"Guys!" Alex shouted from deep into the house. Me, being me, just sat there having a mini staring contest with Mr. Stalker as the rest pd the guys went on and followed Alex's voice. Thankfully, Dean stayed behind. Because he was part of the pack he could get any mind link so I was pretty much safe. I think....





After what felt like forever, I finally built up the courage to walk over to Creepy McStalkens. I came up with that a whole ago. "You! Get out of here! NOW!!"
I shouted, not knowing where this power came from. Creepy McStalkens whimpered at the sound of me. I smirked at that. I guess being the future mother of all wolves had its perks. "LEAVE NOW!!" Creepy glared at me but obeyed my command and ran off. I smiled and saw Alex, Ryan, and Jake assisting a very hurt Micah.

"Micah!" I scream and run over to the boys. They all collapse. Fatass Alpha! Why?! Why you gotta be so....faaat.

Oops sorry. I move closer to him. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and lay my hands on his heart.









"C'mon Crystal you got this!" Focusing on Micah I focus on healing him. C'mon you got this. Focus. Focus. Heal Micah. Help me moon goddess. If I'm the real deal help me. Please. Heal Micah...........


Short chapter sorry. Running out of ideas. I guess. I might discontinue this story.

If ya want me to discontinue then comment here.

If not, Please comment here.

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