Chapter 14

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I really hope I'm not screwing everything up, to be honest. But *shrugs* at this point I don't think it matters anymore LOL.




Warning: This chapter might be disturbing to some readers.  No, I'm not referring to guys kising, I'm talking about something else which you'll discover soon enough. If you're disturbed...I'm not really sorry at all, but just telling you beforehand. I mean, the story is Rated-R incase you haven't noticed.


Chapter 14.


Have you ever been in so much shock you couldn't even move? You couldn't think, you couldn't speak and you could barely breathe? When Trevor kissed me, that's exactly what happened.

But even I knew I saw that coming. We both saw that coming.

It was as if right when Trevor pressed his lips to mine, we both froze. It was as if none of us really had a choice in what happened. But it did. Trevor, my bestfriend, kissed me.

And I liked it.

It wasn't anything longer than two seconds, because I felt Trevor pull away, leaving me lying there with my eyes closed. He was hovering over me, probably waiting for my reaction. In all honesty, how the fuck am I supposed to react?

"N-Nathen," he whispered, sounding nervous. Slowly, I felt my eyelids opening until my eyes met his brown ones. I could feel my pulse quickening, just by looking at him. Because of a kiss. One fucking kiss, that probably shouldn't have happened.

"What are you doing?" I asked, searching his face. "Trevor..."

"I'm sorry," he croaked, shaking his head. Looking at his face, I saw how petfrified he look. When he started to climb off me, I grabbed his arm without thinking. Trevor looked at me, his eyes widened as my grip on his arm tightened. I don't know what came over me. I honestly don't.

I just knew that I wanted him to kiss me again.

"Nathen, I--" Trevor frowned down at me. "I didn't mean to. I promise."

I sat up, still holding onto his arm. "Why'd you do it?" There were so many thoughts and questions running through my mind. I didn't even know what to do at this point. The only thing I can fully understand is that my bestfriend just kissed me. On the mouth. My guy best friend.

"I...I don't know, okay?" Trevor looked conflicted, biting his lower lip as he thought. "I...I wanted to try it. After all this bullshit about me and the party...I wanted to try something. That's it. Okay? Nate, I'm sorry. Don't be pissed at me."

"I'm not," I muttered, truthfully.

"We can just forget all this happened. I'll, uh...leave I guess. But I'm taking the apple juice--"

"Trevor," I muttered. He wouldn't shut up.

"You know, maybe the kiss didn't even happen," he chuckled nervously. "Maybe we're just--"

"TREVOR," I growled, stopping him abruptly. Trevor froze, and looked at me.

"What?" He snapped, looking down at my hand wrapped around his arm.

Looking at Trevor, I could feel my heart pounding even more, so much I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it thumping against my chest. All of a sudden, I needed to try something myself.

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