The First Exams

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          "Your first test, will be a multiple choice test." Zeisumie explained handing them both a test. Skorge looked through the test. "There are 120 questions in that test.  After you finish this test you will put it face down and walk out the door to prevent distractions." He said handing them pencils. "Can i get a pen?" Yiachi asked. "No." Zeisumie replied. "But, why not?" Yiachi pressed on. "Because that's the rule." Zeisumie growled. "It's a stupid rule." Yiachi pouted pulling his test closer to him. "It's gonna be a long day." Zeisumie grumbled.

          Yiachi started answering in the first 5 minutes and was answering quickly. Skorge took his time reading the questions several times before answering. Skorge was on question 45 when Yiachi finished his. Yiachi walked out of the room humming. Skorge took his time finishing his test. After another half an hour, he finally finished. "We'll call you back in after we finished grading these." Zeisumie said. Skorge nodded then walked out.

          Everywhere he looked he saw other student. He looked around and saw Lakiin hanging out with Yiachi. He looked around a bit more, then saw Banshi and Haiwato hanging out with another student. "Hey guys what's going on?" He asked as he walked over to them. "Oh hey Skorge. Where's Yiachi?" Haiwato asked. "He's hanging out with that Lakiin kid." Skorge said shrugging. "I thought that opposite attracts." Haiwato said jokingly.  "This is Diachi. He's the top student in all subjects." Banshi said nodding to the other student. "Nice to meet ya. I'm Skorge." Skorge said. "I know who you are. Your combat isn't very good but it shows a lot of potential." Diachi said plainly. "Um, thanks?" Skorge replied. "You'll get use to it. Diachi means no harm its just his version of constructive criticism." Banshi said.

          "Um, ok." Skorge said shrinking as Diachi stared at him. "Come on Diachi, your freaking him out." Haiwato said patting Skorge on the back laughing. "Here comes your friend." Diachi said as Yiachi walked over. "Hey, how was your prom date doing?" Haiwato teased. "I have a prom date?" Yiachi asked. "Yeah, Lakiin." Haiwato said trying to keep the joke going. "And lets the fanfictions commence." Yiachi said as he playfully shoved Haiwato into Banshi. Banshi dodged Haiwato, than pulled out a pistol and shot Yiachi in the face. "Oh my god. Yiachi are you ok?!" Skorge asked. "Sir, if you want to kill me. It's gonna take alot more then a bullet to my stubborn skull!" Yiachi said getting up. "That can be arranged." Banshi said pulling out a second pistol.

          Banshi started unloading her clips into Yiachi. EVeryone nearby took off to make sure they weren't hit by a stray bullet. Yiachi laid in a pool of blood. "Great, now all i need is a mask and I can be the next great superhero!" Yiachi said not bothering to try getting up. "Your still alive?" Banshi asked surprised. "Bring your A-Game." Yiachi said. Haiwato and Diachi walked away quickly a Banshi dropped a grenade next to yiachi. "Oh~! That's gonna hurt!" Yiachi yelled as the grenade went off. The other walked back over and Skorge was on the ground stunned by the shock. Yiachi slowly stood up.

          "You're immortal aren't you?" Diachi asked.  "Yep." Yiachi answered. Diachi pulled out a fancy amulet and handed it to Yiachi. "This is a godly amulet, there are only 3 in existence. This one will heal your body when its in critical condition and it can protect you from unnatural projectiles. With your abilities i think it would suit you better then it would suit me." Diachi said. "Oh, i didn't know we were exchanging gifts. i didn't get anyone anything!" Yiachi said. 

          "Wait wouldn't that just make Yiachi a target for big time criminals who have nothing to lose and will do anything for power?" Haiwato asked. "Eh, screw that. Its no fun if life isn't dangerous!" Yiachi replied. "So, you ok with being hunted and beat up your whole life?" Skorge asked worried. "Sounds like a normal day at high school for me." Yiachi replied. "Fair point." Skorge replied nodding his head. Yiachi pulled out his phone. "It's time for us to go back!" Yiachi said running back to the room. "Before I go. Why isn't anyone in a classroom?" Skorge asked. "There are no classes. We get mission or test and tests are the only thing done in the classroom." Haiwato explained. "Oh ok." Skorge replied as he ran after Yiachi.

          "Here are your grades." Zeisumie said passing them back they're tests. "I got a 67% on my test, not bad. What about you Yiachi?" Skorge asked. "I got a -74% on mine." Yiachi replied. "How do you get a negative on your test?!" Skorge asked. "Yiachi showed skorge the test. "You filled in every bubble!" Skorge said. "I like coloring bubble." Yiachi said stubbornly. "You ladies done talking its time for the next part of the test." Zeisumie said. "Ok were ready." Skorge said. Yiachi nodded as he put his amulet around his neck. "Your next test is a mission. You were both assigned the same one and were sending a partner with you. It's more of showing you how these are done rather then a test." Zeisumie replied. "Ok well who's taking us?" Skorge asked. "That would be my son, Kugo." Zeisumie replied with a large smirk.

          "Thats right I'm going to show you how its done." Said a voice from behind them. They turned around to see it was kugo. "Cool, so when does it start?" Yiachi asked. "The mission is to gather information." Zeisumie said ignoring Yiachi. "You are to continue gather data from police local data files without being detected or killing anyone." He continued. "This will be a piece of cake." Kugo said laughing. "Oh great, now i'm hungry." Yiachi complained. "Do you ever stop whining?" kugo asked annoyed. "No, no he doesn't." Skorge replied. Well come on its time to take you out on your first mission, try not to hold me back if possible." Kugo said walking out the door as the others followed him. "Good luck, your gonna need it." Zeisumie said. 

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