Kugo VS. Diachi

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          ¨Oh my, you look quite menacing for once.¨ Kugo said with a laugh. Diachi raised his arm in the air making several shard of ice float up as well. ¨Really? Your arm makes your attack so predictable.¨ Kugo said rolling his eyes. Diachi thrusted his hand forward sending all the ice shard at Kugo. Kugo hopped to the side before any of them came near him. Diachi pointed his fingers upwards and  a icicle shot out of the ground stabbing Kugo through one of his knees.

          Kugo yelled as he knelt down. ¨You tricky bastard.¨ Kugo growled as he stood back up. ¨You talk a lot. How about you actually start fighting.¨ Diachi said crossing his arms. ¨Stop acting all high and mighty. You are nothing compared to me!¨ Kugo said. ¨Is that so? then prove it.¨ Diachi said as more ice shards raised off the ground. ¨Divine Punishment: Dark Control.¨ Kugo said as darkness started to surround him. ¨Enough games, it's time for you to die.¨ Kugo chuckled.

          Diachi sent the ice shards at Kugo, who blocked the attack by wrapping a dark barrier around himself. Kugo glared at Diachi. ¨What's the matter? You seemed so sure of yourself a second ago.¨ Diachi said. ¨There's something you're not telling us. Your struggling but you're not trying your hardest. I can see it in your eyes.¨ Kugo said frowning. ¨I thought you wouldn't mind me not going all out.¨ Diachi said. ¨Im glad because it makes it easier for me to kill you, but i can't figure out why your not trying your best when you know whats at stake.¨ Kugo said. ¨If it intimidates you that much then ill go all out.¨ Diachi replied. Kugo huffed and readied his sword.

          Diachi pointed at Kugo then snapped. ¨Divine Punishment: Soul Control.¨ Diachi said as Kugo started to glow. Kugo lurched at Diachi but was sent flying to the right and smashed through the main tower before skidding across the floor. Kugo got up looking around. ¨What just happened?!¨ Kugo yelled. ¨I can use Divine Punishment just like you. However mine allows me to attack or manipulate your soul. The only thing you can not protect.¨ Diachi replied.

          ¨Well this could be trouble. I guess i'll have to kill you quickly.¨ Kugo said glaring at him. Kugo jumped and started to swing his fists at Diachi as fast as he could. Diachi kept ducking and dodging the attacks. Diachi caught Kugos leg and punched him as hard as he could in the gut. Diachi kicked Kugo at Banshi. Banshi kicked Kugo back at Diachi before Kugo could stop himself. Diachi caught Kugo and suplexed him into a patch of icicles.

          Kugo slowly pulled himself out of the spikes as Diachi backed away giving himself some room. ¨So Diachi, if you use Divine Punishment, then you must be honored to fight someone at the same level as you.¨ Kugo said as if nothing had happened. ¨Im suprised your not reacting to your wounds.¨ Diachi said. ¨Oh, i've been through much worse.¨ Kugo replied. ¨Even so, you are not my equal and you never will be.¨ Diachi said as he snapped sending Kugo skidding across the floor.

          Kugo punched the floor making several large dark wires shoot out of the ground. ¨Just die already!¨ Kugo yelled as all of the wires starting whipping and snapping at Diachi. Diachi leaned around dodging the wires as he walked closer to Kugo. A Wire shot out from behind Diachi and lifted him in the air. ¨Looks like i caught another bug to crush beneath my boot.¨ Kugo said with a smirk. ¨Gettin real tired of your shit Kugo.¨ Diachi said with a sigh.

           Diachi snapped slamming Kugon into the floor again. The wire tightened around Diachi as Kugo got up. ¨Fine, i'll just slice you like a pig.¨ Kugo said as the wires quickly tightened around Diachi and cutting into his skin slowly. Kugo snapped as the wired made one last squeeze making Diachi shatter into hundreds of pieces of ice. ¨Such a satisfying result. It makes killing you even more worth it with that little display.¨ Kugo chuckled. ¨That's nice to know, it's too bad i didn't really die.¨ Diachi said as he reformed behind Kugo stabbing his sword through his back.

          Kugo screamed in pain as Diachi pulled his sword out. ¨I think it's time I end this.¨Diachi said as he snapped making Kugo float several feet in the air. Diachi struck his sword at Kugos face but, a dark barrier held his sword at bay. The darkness wrapped around the sword as Kugo started to laugh. ¨I already told you. You are nothing compared to me.¨ Kugo laughed as Daichis sword melted. ¨Looks like you lost your precious sword. How will you ever kill me now?¨ Kugo said as he stood up breaking free of the magical grip.

          Kugo punched deep into Diachi's gut as darkness surrounded them. ¨Those who play god get hurt!¨ Yiachi yelled as his bo staff his Kugo in the face. Kugo fell back and all the darkness vanished. ¨Thanks Yiachi.¨ Diachi said slowly getting back up. ¨You got it!¨ Yiachi said as a student ran up behind him and put him in a chokehold. Diachi looked back at Kugo who was covering his face. ¨This fight has gone on long enough. Divine Punishment: Soul Crush.¨ Diachi said as he raised an arm at Kugo and closed his hand into a fist.

          Kugo screamed in pain as he fell over on his side. Kugo hugged his chest tightly as his screams grew louder. Kugo slowly fell silent and went limp. ¨There, it's over.¨ Diachi said as he looked around. He saw Banshi sitting catching her breath and Yiachi laying down huffing and rubbing his neck. ¨You look like you guys had a rough time.¨ Diachi said walking over. ¨It's not over, 27 of them got away.¨ Banshi said getting up. 

          ¨Hey Diachi, you beat Kugo right?¨ Yiachi asked  getting up. ¨Yes i crushed his soul.¨ Diachi replied. ¨Then why is there nobody?¨ Yiachi said swaying. They looked around but Kugo was missing. ¨We need to leave.¨ Diachi said walking towards the closest exit. ¨What's wrong?¨ Yiachi asked. ¨Kugo has nothing left to lose since his soul was destroyed he will die in a soon if he isn't dead already. Don't forget that this school runs on nuclear energy, he will probably overload it trying to destroy everyone here just to kill us.¨ Diachi replied. ¨Well can't we stop him?¨ Yiachi asked. ¨Not enough time, now let's go!¨ Diachi said as he ran. 

          ¨We can't get away fast enough!¨ Banshi yelled. ¨Yiachi you wouldn't mind if i got Banshi out of here now would you? I can get only one of you out of here.¨ Diachi asked. ¨Then do it, You act like i can't take an explosion!¨ Yiachi said sounding offended. Diachi chuckled as he grabbed Banshi by the shoulder. They shattered into ice and vanished as Yiachi continued to run. Yiachi heard a loud thud and turned around. ¨Oh, this is gonna hurt.¨ Yiachi said as the school exploded.

          Diachi and Banshi reformed in the desert. ¨Oh that sucked. Never do that again unless we have no other choice.¨ Banshi said kneeling over. ¨That's fine.¨ Diachi said. ¨So Yiachi was caught in the explosion? Do you think he survived?¨ Banshi asked looking at the smoke from the explosion rise. ¨I would say his chances of survival were 50/50. While he is unnaturally tough, I doubt his body would be use to that kind of his. Honestly, there was a high chance his body was disintegrated.¨ Diachi said quietly. Banshi looked at Diachi as a large thud was heard.

          They both ran over to the noise to see Yiachi laying in the sand. ¨I can't feel my anything!¨ Yiachi whined loudly. They looked and saw that Yiachi was nothing more than a head, torso, and half an arm. ¨Hey, can someone lend me an arm? or two?¨ Yiachi said with a weak laugh. ¨You're making jokes at a time like this?¨ Banshi asked. ¨Don't worry look i'm already healing!¨ Yiachi said as his limbs started to grow back. ¨My, my, that was quite an impressive show you 3 put on. But, i'm afraid i'm going to have to put this rebellion to an end.¨ Iceer said as he hopped down near them. ¨Oh man, you ruin all the fun.¨ Yiachi muttered. ¨So three students against a top class fighter? Doesn't look like the odds are in your favor today kids.¨ Iceer said as he pulled out his sword.

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