Diachi's Fight

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          "We'll join the tournament. After all the only way to get better is to do that hard things." Skorge said. "Don't way i didn't warn you when you get your ass kicked in the first round." Banshi said. "When is the tournament?" Yiachi asked. "Its in about 3 weeks." Haiwato said. "Well that give's us a lot of time to get ready for it!" Skorge said. "Well then you don't have much time to lose. Everyone should underestimate you with you two being the lowest ranks in the arena. Not to mention everyone is going to be use to fighting one on one so if you two can learn to work together you should be good." Haiwato explained. "We've always worked together so that shouldn't be too hard. " Yiachi said. 

          "Do you know any good place we can train?" Skorge asked.  "You should train in the forest. Lots of places to hide with. No one will see you training, or you can use the area to become more sneaky. Maybe even train your body to become more of a threat." Banshi suggested. Suddenly Lakiin busted through the door making everyone jump. "What are you doing here?!" Haiwato asked surprised. "Diachi was challenged to a fight!" Lakiin said. "Big deal, people challenge him all the time." Banshi said waving his hand at him. "But, he actually accepted the fight this time!" LAkiin said as he ran out the door into the next person's room. "Now this should be good." Banshi said as he walked out the door towards the arena. "You guys are gonna want to see this." Haiwato said as they all went to the arena with him. "Is it gonna be a great fight?" Yiachi asked. "Its either gonna look good or its gonna be fast depending on his mood." Haiwato said as they reached the arena.

          They looked in and saw the arena changing into the shape of a junkyard.  Diachi unsheathed his sword while his opponent put on a pair of studded gauntlets. "Looks like Diachi's gonna give him a chance." Banshi said as they caught up with him. "But he pulled out his sword." Skorge said confused." He doesn't need a sword to be dangerous. He usually uses it when he want to show people  a good fight." Haiwato explained. Skorge nodded and went back to watching the fight.

          The kid charged at Diachi, Swinging as hard and as fast as he could. Diachi slowly walked backwards swiftly dodging every attack going his way. Diachi ducked the next punch and slide towards the kid kneeing him in the gut. He followed that by spinning and cutting the kid in the back. The kid shouted in surprise and staggered forward. He swung at Diachi again, but was dodged. "It will take more then brute force to defeat me." Diachi said. "Oh shut up!" The kid growled as he swung at Diachi again. Diachi brushed the hit off with the back of his hand as he shoved his sword into the kids shoulder. The kid stumbled onto his back and rolled back up to his feet holding his shoulder.

          "There's no way i'm going to let you beat me. I've trained so hard to get where i'm at and i'm not going to let you hold me back from the number one spot!" The kid yelled. "I am going to be the best. You never worked as hard as I have. I had to..." The kid was interrupted by Diachi who now spoke over him. "Are you going to stand there talking or are you going to fight. I didn't accept your battle so you can talk about yourself. So shut up and fight or forfeit the fight." Diachi said sheathing his sword. "Because now i'm getting serious." Diachi finished.

           The kid hesitated then charged at Diachi Swinging his fist at him as hard as he could. Diachi slid under his arm and punched his right in the throat as hard as he could. The kid fell over struggling for breath. Diachi grabbed him by the foot and threw him into a junkpile. The kid sunk into the pile moaning. Diachi pulled him out of the pile and tossed him across the ground. The kid scrambled to his feet and readied his gauntlets again as Diachi pulled out his sword again but the blade seemed to be covered in a deep blue ice with a white core.

          The kid charges at Diachi once again. Diachi stuck his sword out at him but the kid slide to the side and punched Diachi in the face hard. Diachi fell over tumbling until he hopped back up. He looked around to see everyone in the crowd whispering to each other. "Why is everyone so surprised he just punched him." Yiachi said. "Diachi is the best in arena. Landing a punch on him is an accomplishment so matter what rank you are. He beats the rest of us by a landslide." Haiwato explained. "Although there are a few people who are smart enough to trick him. But, this kid has no skills at all him hitting Diachi should be impossible. I'm guessing it was a lucky strike." Banshi said.

          Diachi bent his legs getting ready to run at the kid who got into a defensive state. "It's time to end this." Diachi said as he readied his sword. Diachi seemed to vanish then appeared in front of the kid a second later plunging his sword into the kids throat. Diachi pulled his sword out as the kid fell over coughing blood. A few medics ran into the arena and quickly got the kid back to his feet looking as good as new. The kid clenched his fists as Diachi walked over to him. "What, you want to gloat about your victory?" The kid said harshly. "You put up a good fight. Nice job. Train harder, i want to fight you when your better." Diachi said, then walked away. The kid stared at Diachi as he left and the arena changed back to normal. 

          "That fight was epic!" Yiachi said as they walked back to the room. "It was nice but, there's a lot of better fights you are going to see. Diachi usually gives people a chance but ends it quickly." Banshi said. "Now, as for your training..." Haiwato said with a laugh. "Yeah, were going straight to the woods, we really need to get better if thats the way people fight here." Skorge said. "Good luck you too." Banshi said. "See you guys tonight." Skorge said as him and Yiachi walked out the door.

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