Chapter 18 The unforgettable past

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(Mia's dress picture and
The above video song expresses James POV )

Mia's POV

Leo and Jasmine couldn't attend the dinner proposal by Mr Henderson cause they were on their honeymoon in Hawaii. So I will be going instead. I am hell a lot nervous. Meeting Mr and Mrs Henderson. I chose a casual and sweet dress. I hope they like me. I heard a knock at my door. It must be James.

I went down and opened the door. James was in a casual shirt and jeans. No matter what he wears he always looks like a Greek God. He checked me out.

" Is this okay? I thought to wear something not too gorgeous."

"you're gorgeous in anything you wear my beautiful Mia " he took my hand in his. "Shall we go?"

" We shall" I smiled.

We got inside the car. He began to drive. "So is there something about them I should know of? Like about there likes and dislikes."

"Relax Mia you will be fine. They are not gonna eat you up"

" Okay..." I sat silently. But in my mind, I was practising what to say over and over again. 'Hello, Mr and Mrs Henderson? Thank you for having me today.' This may be too formal. ' hi Mr and Mrs Henderson. A pleasure to meet you. James pulled me from my thoughts.

" Earth to Mia, we have reached."

" Oh"

" will you relax? We are not going for hunger games." He joked.

I smiled, "Okay let's go" we went inside the big mansion. It was beautiful." James your home is beautiful "

" Thanks."

Two people came towards us without even looking at them I started greeting " hi Mr and Mrs Henderson, it's nice to meet you"

" Mia they are not my parents. She is Elda our housemaid and Terry house caretaker." He was laughing. I was so embarrassed.

"Stop laughing." I punched James lightly on his chest.

"You incredibly cute right now," James said.

We went into the hall and two people can near us. This time I waited before I greeted them.

" Now these are my parents Mia," James said smiling.

I hurriedly greeted them. "Hello, Mr and Mrs Henderson. Thank you for..." I bit my tongue while speaking and my hand in my mouth. Ah, so embarrassing. James started laughing again.

" James stop laughing you're disrespecting our guest." His father said.

" Come dear let me get you some ice for your tongue," his mother said.

"Thak you Mrs Hende..rson" the words came out of my mouth jumbled. My tongue was hurting.

I went to the kitchen with Mrs Henderson and James joined his dad in the dining hall.

" here keep this in your mouth dear" I nodded and put the ice in my mouth.

"Let's join them now shall me," Mrs Henderson said. I followed her to the dining table. I sat beside James.

" Your tongue okay now?" James asked. I swallowed the ice in a hurry to answer him.

" Yes," I touched my head. Ah, brain freeze.

" Mia take your time. You didn't have to swallow that ice." He chuckled. Why I am embarrassing myself so much today?

"So Mia dear tell us about yourself." Mrs Henderson asked.

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