Chapter 56 Come back to me.

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( picture of Libby)...

" don't see my tears, to understand me,
See my smile, to see the sadness beyond it." - rosavet

James POV

I woke up a bit later. I felt something wet on my face. I opened my eyes and saw Libby licking me. I got up holding the sofa. It was late night and Mia was not home yet.

My heart starting jumping out of my chest. My angel!. If something happened to no it can't be. I picked up my cell and called Lucius, "Find Mia. Find her now!"

" yes, I will get to it!" The call ended. I sat on the sofa with my hands in my hair in frustration. Libby was sitting in front of me.*woof woof*

" please go away, Libby. I am not feeling good at all."

"*woof * * woof*
She barked again.

" What is it, Libby?" I looked at her impatiently. She was holding a paper in her mouth. She gave me that. I opened it and saw the invitation to the charity. Carol field charity. This is the one I went to with Mia. She was inviting me to this? I am such an asshole. I shouted at her without listening to her. Libby sat beside me.

For the first time I patted her head. " sorry Linby I was hard on you too. I behaved so badly with Mia. I am an asshole."

My phone rang." Lucius tell me did you find her? Is she safe?"

" James I tracked her phone and found it near the street. But no sign of her. I will keep my search on."

" Tell as soon as you find anything". It was dawn.

Where could she be? Then it clicked me. Her old home. I took the car keys in my hand and drove off. I reached the old home. I went inside but there was no one there. I saw broken glass on the floor. I checked the bathroom. The mirror was broken and there was blood on the floor. Mia was here. My heart jumped up and down my chest.

I went out and got in my car. My phone rang. " hello James!"

" what happened? Where is she?"

"She got into an accident. She was taken to the hospital a few minutes ago."

" what?" My heart stopped.

" I am going there right now." I ended the call and went there. I drove off to the hospital as fast as I could.

" How is she?!" I asked the doctor.

" She is fine. Just a few bruises and cuts. She was lucky that she didn't suffer any major brain damage. She had hit her head pretty hard. She was brought to the hospital at the right time."

"How is she?" I asked.

" She is stable now. You can see her." "Thank you doctor "

I went in. I saw Mia lying in the bed with the saline bags attached to her veins. My angel...I am so sorry I did this to you. I hold her hand. She opens her eyes and tried to get up and look at me.

No angel...don't get up. You need rest."

" James?" She whispered.

" Angel please rest right now. I will listen to whatever you had to say to me later."
she fell asleep again.

I fell asleep in the chair. I heard someone talking. I woke up and saw her awake.

" Your awake angel. Ah, I am so relieved. I was so worried. " I let out a relief sign.

" James..." I didn't let her speak.

" I know we have many things to discuss and I have many things to say but all that can wait till you get better."

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