Chapter 55 The Pain I gave her.

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( Maps song by Maroon5 )

James POV

I loved dancing in the rain with Mia. She is so sweet and lovely.

I woke up and looked at her. She was sleeping peacefully. My angel. My phone rang. I quickly picked it up so that I don't wake Mia up. "Hello?"

" Sir this is Dave from your office. There is a lady here wanting to meet you. She is not leaving the office even if I  tell her too..."

" what the hell? I don't have time for that. Send her home."

" I tried sir but she keeps saying that she wanted to give you some information about some guys....what's his name?....yeah...Lorenzo..."

" What?..."

" Should I call the security and throw her out?"

"No. Hold on. I am coming right away." I ended the call and got out of bed. I didn't wake Mia up. She is sleeping like an angel. I went downstairs and write a note on a piece of paper and went out.

I reached my office." Who are you and what kind of information do you have?" I asked the girl.

" I am Janice Sensco sir. I used to be his lover. After he faked his death. He told me that he loves me but he was always interested in one girl in particular. You know her, your girlfriend. He cheated on me and I want my revenge on him so I will give you all the information you need to put him behind bars for good." She said.

" Thank you for your cooperation, Janice. So where do we start?" I asked her.

" Firstly Lorenzo may monitor my moves so...I can't come here often to give you information. We have to meet in public areas like restaurants for my safety."

" So be it. " I got some good information after talking to her. I took her to the nearby restaurant of my office. We talked till late. I  can't tell Mia about this and worry her. I have to keep this a secret.

" Thanks for the information. We will continue this tomorrow." She holds my hand.

" would you like to hand one drink with me? It helps me to calm my nerve." She pleaded.

" Okay. ..." I agreed. I didn't deny her. She is giving me information most important things. One drink led to four drinks. I reached home late.

Mia hugged me. She told me about some Charity she wanted to go to. My mind was not in the right place. My head was all over the pieces of information that I got to know. I shouted at her for going to some stupid charity show. I was a bit drunk. I didn't care what I said. But I know that I hurt Mia. I was feeling the worst in the morning.

Cause of my appointment with Janice I went out early and came home late for corresponding days. I could see that Mia was not happy. She was getting lonely but I was doing this for her. For her good. I was not talking to her properly cause if she asks me the truth I can't lie to her. I am bad at lying to her.

Few days went by.

The next day I had a meeting with James outside the restaurant. I arrived early. My phone rang it was Mia. Shit. What should I tell her? I saw Janice making her way towards me.

I told Mia that I was in a meeting. I didn't leave good at all lying to her like this. But I had to do it.

Later when I came home Mia asked me, where I  was when she called me and I had to lie again. She went to bed and I did the same. My phone rang. It was Janice. What she possibly could need at this late night? I picked it up and went off the room.

I woke up the morning and saw Mia had already left for work. I went to my office and I saw Janice coming towards me holding the paper in her hand. "What's  wrong?" She showed me the paper and I couldn't believe that I saw and read it.

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