That Face

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It was a face of pure innocence in a way, like the young man was caught in a day dream.

If his face had ever been distorted by rot, it definitely wasn't anymore. His skin was pale and his upturned lips were blue but aside from that it was a completely normal face.

I couldn't look away. The urge to cry was boiling up behind my eyes. Because this was no longer just a creepy mystery, it was a person. This face belonged to a boy whose life was ended, and it had only hit me just now.

Shame coursed through me. I'd treated this like a science experiment, but it had been a human life, and I was letting it sit in a dirty shack.

There were probably people looking for him. And since I'd never seen his face before I knew he was far from home, there wasn't a person in this town that I didn't know.

Tears began to slide down my face. How could I do something like this, I mean the situation was interesting, but I was hanging out with a dead body for fucks sake. That wasn't okay at all.

Weird healing or not it was so wrong. But at the same time, there was nothing I could do about by that point.

I was too far in, my fingerprints were everywhere, I mean I'd tidied up for crying out loud. How much more suspicious could you get?

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, only taking my eyes off the boy long enough to see what it was about.

Callie was asking I wanted to get something to eat when she picked me up. During the cleaning spree I'd totally forgotten that I had to keep track of time. She was supposed to be at my house in fifteen minutes.

I texted her back quickly and got to my feet. Gathering my things, I left everything as it was. It struck me that I didn't have to come back. It's not like he would miss me, and I don't think you can really owe the dead.

But as I looked at that soft, sweet face, my heart just broke for him, whatever he was.

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