Calla Lily

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I hurried home, returning all the cleaning supplies to their original spots and changing out of my sweats.

I wasn't really known for my fashion sense, I spent most of my time in either workout clothes or for special occasions a plain shirt and jeans. There wasn't much in between.

Don't get me wrong, I love checking out cute clothes online, but I rarely practiced such things. There just wasn't a point, I was either feeding the animals, or running, or going to school with the same 300 people I'd known since I was five.

It didn't matter what I looked like; pretty, ugly, or however you would choose to describe me, I would always be the same. After seeing the same faces day in and day out, pulling a fairy godmother style change was out of the question.

I stuck with running shorts and a t shirt I got from a 5k a few years back. A few dabs of concealer and sweep of mascara later and I was waiting for Callie on my porch.

Harley sat next to me, tail wagging. I scratched his belly and glanced down my drive way for her truck.

The baby blue pickup rolled in a few minutes late, tires crunching on the gravel.

She waved to me and leaned over to unlock the door. I jumped off the porch and got in.

Callie was a pretty girl with dirty blonde hair and a curvy tummy and thighs. And don't even get me started on her clothes, she'd always had a much better appreciation of fashion than me, and it showed.

"How's my dear Calla Lily doing?" I asked, buckling myself in.

"Your dear Calla Lily is stressed." She sighed as she maneuvered her way around my parking spaces so she didn't have to back out of the long driveway.

"Would a giant helping of nachos from Rachel's help?

She shrugged solemnly, but gave up quickly and smiled, "It's a start."

We drive quickly through the twisting country roads with the windows rolled down. She talked about the people that annoyed her and the people she liked.

Callie was good at filling her time, if it wasn't jobs and classes it was new friends and enemies. My job was to be along for the ride. Listening and nodding were my specialties.

I laughed as she told me about some crazy party she went to in the city with a friend of hers. It had apparently been quite the wild ride.

We parked outside Rachel's, one of the few eating establishments that wasn't trucker food or McDonald's. Granted, it wasn't far off, but their nachos were killer.

We sit down in our favorite booth and order a round of root beers and some nachos. We came here after school almost every day, but it had been weeks.

She continued on with her stories. She'd already began inserting herself into college life; attending parties and events to get acquainted with her future classmates.

She asked if I'd gone to anything like that but I told her no. I hope she assumed it was just because my school didn't do that type of thing, but I doubted it.

Our nachos came and we dug in, laughing about stories of drunken shenanigans.

I threw in a few old high school memories but she didn't seem very interested. Couldn't blame her, if I had that many new college experiences I'd probably be more interested in forgetting high school too.

We talked until it got dark out and she insisted she needed to get back so she could get some sleep before another long day tomorrow.

We drove back with the windows up and music playing as Callie added in a few final remarks about her new life before dropping me off in front of my house.

I watched her truck lights disappear down the road and went inside. Dad was eating a microwave meal (he only really liked cooking after he'd drunk a bit too much).

"How was your day Boa-constrictor?" He asked as I leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

"Good, I hung out with Callie."

"Great, she's a good girl, it's a shame her parents gave her such a stupid name."

I sat down next to him on the couch and tried to catch up with the crime show episode he was watching, "Calla Lily isn't that bad of a name."

He snorted in response and took a bite of mashed potatoes.

"This is coming from the guy with a daughter named Bowen."

"Hey you can't blame me for that one, Cameron was the kid I got to name."

"Some kids get all the luck."

He chuckled and we watched a few episodes of the show until he decided to turn in. I took a shower and got into bed.

I'd like to think that Callie didn't ask about me and my life because she knew there was nothing to tell. Nothing I was comfortable sharing at least.

I hoped it wasn't because she just didn't care. I mean I'd always been the listener in our duo, but I'd always figured it was because I rarely had anything worth saying. Nothing interesting ever happened to me.

That night I laid awake again, but this time I didn't think about the body once.

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