Authors Note

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Well everybody, we made it. Even though there is another book coming out soon, it's so nice to have this one done.

I feel like I should do the obligatory thanks to all my wonderful readers who've stuck it out through this whole thing. You guys are amazing, and if we're being honest I might have given up a long time ago without you there to calm my aggressive inner critic. Which is a lot of the reason I decided to join Wattpad, I wanted to see if the sense of community would make me feel more comfortable as I progressed through the story. And you guys gave me that and then some!

Alright, alright, I'm bad at getting sappy so I'll stop there.

I'm currently editing and revising. The beginning is getting adjusted a lot to make it sound less like the intro to a low budget horror movie, but that's about it. Other than that I'm just doing the necessary grammar/spelling stuff, and straightening out some of the information.

I made up most of this as I went along. This made the writing process a lot of fun because I got to experience the story as it went. I had NO idea it would end up where it did, and going back to the beginning is so weird. They seemed so sweet and innocent. And you know shit went down if finding a self-resurrecting body in an abandoned building is the innocent part.

Either way, if anyone has anything to point out, since I'm aware some info might have been inconsistent during the story since I didn't even really know what was going on most of the time, go for it. But like, be nice and constructive and all that jazz.

Other than that I just want to say thank you again, and I'll see you in the next book!

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